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Monday 4th February 2013 - Android Daily Trading Thread

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  1. Android
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PIE2 +item
Rob W i did add you and you were in my waiting list for a couple of days then you disappered i thought u would be in my neigh our list but u werent there, try adding me
  1. Android
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Hi, on this part of the forum I am a newby....
I have an android game level19, hopefully tomorrow level 20.(Flight catering)
I can help from this game, but can also gifts from my/our other games.

If you want, sent a friend request and a tag or pm

flip123 i added u, accept me so i can send u wt u want =)


150+ Star Club
  1. Android
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Hello everyone :) Thank you all for the gifts and visit (y)

I have run out of 'Fuel hose' and my p.delta planes are still in hanger :( So any help in that regard will be much appreciated.

Here is what i sent today:
Additional radar to lkoo
Archive box to Rob W
Cooling chamber to Stabekk yabuki77
Flight catering to mandeer Rabblerouser @L.E.X
Fuel additive to Lebiegas (Duo account, please let me know what this account needs )
Fuel hose to air canillas Bali Hi retkot CK-Airport
Grinding machine to olly 333
Landing lamp to Bali Hi (JeanVL) Minissa
Navigation module to stevel2606 bubbajed5711 I Fly 2
10x passenger to kitkitkit
Powerful radio transmitter to pienicki

PS: air canillas I have not received any gifts from your account in the last several days o_O
I received an email reply from GI this morning regarding the ticket I opened, told me their "dedicated team of engineers" are working on the problem (I hope is the gifting problem) and will fix in the upcoming update, but it will take some time, and closed my ticket. Same BS as always! :mad:

By the way, I tried the weekend code again today and it worked this time, so if you were not able to use the weekend code during the weekend, try again now.

Also I can see three neighbors (including a new launch from hungyauming with 23:56 left) in the in-progress launch pop up window now when I clicked on the Launch Pad, so I guess the not able to see neighbor's launch issue was solved on the server side, hope it will stay that way.
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Iphone: Jpjpjp999; Ipad: Jpjpjp4; Android: Jpjpjp2
Som, sorry, you have to ask tdv for them or fly to cyprus if you haven't visited a neighbouring hotel, the bracelet is iphone and not giftable to android... sorry.... i will sent the whiteboard instead
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  1. Android
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I Fly 2
Suresh. I just sent an invite from my I Fly account to you. While it's IPad, and you might see username, you should see my Boeing 777 avatar. I can send you an additional fuel hose from that account too. You don't have to return the gifts to I Fly just accept them.

I Fly 2
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