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Buildings into Warehouse

  1. Android
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Hi everyone,

I've got a few buildings that I don't want right now but that I don't want to sell. Is it possible to move a building into the warehouse? I know buildings can be there, I just can't figure out how to do it?

  1. Android
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c1k0mq (that's a zero, not a letter)
BEW0072 Airport
No, unfortunately. If you do not want them, you have to sell them. When you purchase a Mystery Building or gain one for completion of a task, you will see it in the warehouse, but think of that as more just the building materials needed, not the actual building itself. Hope that helps.

I've had to sell buildings before to free up some necessary land. If you have some in your warehouse that you think you will not use, you can build them, then sell them, then repeat the process. I had a bunch of farmers markets before, but didn't have room for all of them so I did that and made a few thousand coins.
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