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AirportCityGame.com is the Number One place to be when it comes to the hit game Airport City!

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Recent content by Mursrattee

  1. Mursrattee

    iPad Daily Trading Thread for November (Part 1)

    Hiya "mrangels" accepted your invite and sent a Gyroscope your way. Hoping i don't appear as "username" ha! Cheers!
  2. Mursrattee

    iPad Daily Trading Thread for November (Part 1)

    Hi Sankukia, accepted your invite and sent you an Air Conditioner. Unfortunately (just moments ago) you are now appearing as username. :confused: Anyways Cheers!
  3. Mursrattee

    iPad Daily Trading Thread for November (Part 1)

    Mursrattee is my username (ipad) and yes your invite came through. Sent to you a deicer. Cheers!
  4. Mursrattee

    iPad Daily Trading Thread for November (Part 1)

    Hi Username is Mursrattee and I recently joined the forum. For anyone reading this post kindly send to me (if in position to do so) the under listed items and let me know if i have what you need. Thanks
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