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AirportCityGame.com is the Number One place to be when it comes to the hit game Airport City!

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Recent content by jonnymac

  1. J

    iPad Daily Trading Thread for October 2012 (Part 1)

    Hi, looking mainly for new neighbours as since upgrading I've lost all mine, and the only two I have left I can't visit due to different versions! My airport name is jonnymac I am level 27 / 48 starts, have 4 universities and a few dognut shops and circus's. Please sign me up as a neighbour...
  2. J

    iPad Daily Trading Thread for September 2012 (Part 3)

    Hi, looking for a few things to upgrade my terminal and repair base. See signature for details, if you do send me items please reply to this post so I make is sure I can send back in return. Always happy for new neighbours also! Jonnymac
  3. J

    iPad Daily Trading Thread for September 2012 (Part 2)

    Serge, I can send you a textbook in exachange for a fuel supply. Jon
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