Welcome to Airport City!

AirportCityGame.com is the Number One place to be when it comes to the hit game Airport City!

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  1. Android
Friend Code


Localisation : UTC+2 Paris – France
Operating System : Android
Username : LRT
Friend code : PM please
Lvl : 80
Stars : 315
Alliance : knight fliers

Items needed :
- landing lamp
- For Town Hall : high speed elevator (x10) / pneumatic capsule (x5) / EV charging station (x3) / air purifer (x9)

Items i can gift :
Touchscreen / paper cutter / pneumatic capsule / self-balancing scooter / differential relay / lamp shade / hydraulic cylinder / autopilot / pilot headset / head up display / pitot tube / VSI / fuel (3) / fuel catalyst / disposable shampoo / computer / cockpit glass / generator / great shots / stabilizer / landing lamp / dispatcher console / rope block / fuel (20) / powerful radio transmitter / video wall / laser level / flight helmet / fuel supply / aircraft tire / stapler / single-malt whiskey / fuel additives / power source / communication antenna / additional radar / amperemeter / spare wire / lining plate / passenger seat / eau de toilette / oscillating beacon / flight catering / cooling chamber / navigation module / master plan / fuel hose / gyroscope / make up / spare propeller / deicer / air vent filter / wireless compass / washing machine / blanket / altitude indicator / crucible / earplugs / fruit lollipop / sliding table saw / bed / e-reader / VR headset / sleeping pill / air shower


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