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AirportCityGame.com is the Number One place to be when it comes to the hit game Airport City!

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  1. Windows PC
Friend Code


****************NEW UPDATED FRIEND CODE'S**************
*********************Send Items NOT updated********************

Doc 20iu8vw8 Level 60 Stars 172 Hearts 9
Signature updated: 7/7 2140hrs PST
Wish List: FUEL HOSE ,3D printers, coffee machines, smoke detectors, Demodulators,
Items I can send: Updated 8/31/2016

Additional Radar Aircraft Tire/ All Inclusive Bracelet/ Altimeter/ Attitude Indicator/ Blanket/ Calculator/ / Deicer / Dispatch Console/ Dryer/ Ear Plug/ Ergonomic Chair/ Filled Candies/ Flight Catering/ Fruit Lollipop/ Fuel 3/ Fuel 20/ Fuel Additives/ Fuel Catalyst/ Fuel Hose/ Fuel Supply/ Generator/ Hardness Tester/ Holographic Display /Imprinter/ Insulation/ Landing Lamp/ Navigation Module/ Oscillating Beacon/ Paint/ Passenger Seat/ Perfume/ Powerful Radio Transmitter/ Sandbag/ Security Camera/ Skin Care Products/ Smart Glass /Spaceship Engine/ Spaceship Launch Console/ Spare Propeller/ Spare Wire/ Stabilized Binoculars/ Stamp/ Transmitter/ Travel Guide/ Tunnel Freezer/ TV Panels/ Video Wall/ Weather Display/ Wireless Compass

Doc2 20idrofp Level 60 Stars 67 Hearts 7
Wish List: Fuel Hose, F20

Build list: Send those odd items you have that most don't, building a stockpile for later use. Thank you all........Doc
New Send List,
Items I can send:
Loader, Fuel (3), Fuel Catalyst, Do Not Disturb Sign, Air Conditioner, Single Malt Whiskey,Cockpit Glass, Welder, Album, Landing Lamp, Radar, Channel Bar, Passengers (10), Powerful Radio Transmitter, Video Wall, Assembly Robot, Flight Goggles, Eau De Toilette, Fuel Supply, Jet Engine, Stapler, Fuel Additives,
Power Source, Solar Cell, Additional Radar, Make-up, Shredder, Spare Wire, Hull Parts, Landing Gear, Flight Catering, Oscillating Beacon, Cooling Chamber, Navigation Module, Archive Box, Fuel Hose, Gyroscope, Spare Propeller, Deicer, Grinding Machine,
Horn Antenna, Wireless Compass, Washing Machine, Blanket, Pneumatic Cutter


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