Welcome to Airport City!

AirportCityGame.com is the Number One place to be when it comes to the hit game Airport City!

Real time chat to other players, trade items together, complete space missions, form & arrange alliances and much much more. It's all here at AirportCityGame.com

Recent content by BiW

  1. BiW

    Daily Trading Thread for Thursday 29th of November 2012

    Username: BiW (item I most need) Friend Code: as7rby6 Level: 35 In Urgent Need of: Dispatcher Console x 2Nos (for special items for Mission Control Center - Level 1), Spare Wire (for flights). Always Appreciated: Fuel Additives, Oscillating Beacon Flight Catering (meal) Navigating Module...
  2. BiW

    Daily Trading Thread for Wednesday 28th of November 2012

    Thank you.... no worries. Glad that I can upgrade very soon....
  3. BiW

    Daily Trading Thread for Wednesday 28th of November 2012

    Hi Air Canillas... please would you accept me as a friend / add me as a friend. I am in need of a Grinding Machine for now on urgency but am also looking for friends who ensure daily exchange of gifts. Thanks
  4. BiW

    Level 35 * 71

    Level 35 * 71
  5. BiW

    Daily Trading Thread for Wednesday 28th of November 2012

    Hi everyone - I'm not sure I got the format of my message right but here goes... In Urgent Need of: All Inclusive Bracelets x 4Nos, Tv Panels (single screen) x 3Nos and Grinding Machine x 1No (both for special items for Repair Base Level 5). Username: BiW (item I most need) Friend Code...
  6. BiW

    Welcome BiW to Airport City Game!

    Hello Airport City players. 'My' user name on my Airport City on Android is BiW. The game has been jointly played by 3 of us in the family so we seem to have progressed much quicker than if I'd played on my own... this despite the game being reset after we'd initially reached Level 26 and then...
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