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AirportCityGame.com is the Number One place to be when it comes to the hit game Airport City!

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View My Signature - BagheerahFr

Signature Updated: 24/02/2018
Operating System: Android
My Game Name: BagheerahFr
My Friend Code: 0430mehh
Game Status Level: 32 Star Skills: 53 Hearts: 5
Alliance: Gameraders

Building Upgrade Items Needed (in preference order):
- Cosmic Fuel Station: Assembly Robot(3)
- Terminal Level 5: Archive Box(3), Whiteboard(3), Ergonomic Chair(3), Smoke Detector(3)
- Travel Agency: Travel Guide(4), Tour Review(3), Great Shots(4), Album(1)

Flights Items Needed: Fuel20, Landing Lamp, Powerful Radio Transmitter, Fuel Supply
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