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Remove the 100 item limit

Blue Aero

350+ Star Club
  1. Windows PC
Blue Aero
I do not have the limit on my main account but my support account does -- How can someone get enough landing lamps saved to complete alliance missions? This is total garbage on GI's part and has forced me to keep only powerful propeller driven airplanes on my support account so I don't have to be continually going after landing lamps instead of flying alliance missions. With the powerful propeller driven I don't need any special items and can complete the alliance missions although it has limited that game to what it can do (no airship dock for one)

I thought GI would have removed this stupidity by now so people can stock up on items before flying to destinations they want to fly to. This has put the newer games at an extreme disadvantage of being able to get a high weekly rank in most destinations - I thought GI cared about fairness for all players??? Does not appear that they do.


1000+ Star Club
VIP Flyer
  1. iPhone
Friend Code
I was told that the limit does not apply to collectible items. Can anyone verify this?
No it does not apply to Collections. I currently have 510 Running Wild collections. So it clearly does not limit me on launch preparations for space flights. But it does limit me on the items needed for launches - I always have 100 solid fuel - so when GIS gifted those of us with the 100 limit 2 solid fuel recently - it could not be added to my inventory and was a completely wasted gift.

Not that I am angry or anything :rolleyes:
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