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iPhone Trading Thread for February 2013

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  1. iPhone
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My stock of flight caterings ran out today. So instead of shears please send me caterings today.

One day should be enough... At least for a while.


Thank you.

  1. iPhone
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@mcmanda, i don't know why my account is a problem, i know it is.... on my android i found it doesn't freeze, it is just very very very slow....

Yeah, it's weird. I wish GI would fix it! It's annoying, because I never really know what neighbor is going to crash my game. That makes getting shears from neighbors flowers particularly hard.

I'm 2 lollipops and 3 rabbit plushies away from finishing those collections 3 times over. That's exciting for me.

But flowers are a different story. I think I have 5 total, and 3 of them are the same. So keep sending shears ... I'm very behind the flower curve! You guys have been great - it just seems like I'll use 20 shears and get maybe 1 flower. It's super annoying.
  1. iPhone
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Hi All, back from hols, had WIFI so hope you all have been receiving my gifts.

Also tdv huge thanks for the transmitter (grey) and the ergonomic chair - Terminal complete and Control Tower should be complete in about 5 hours! If you can still send me a defroster that would be great as my Dubai flight constantly just seems to drop the Pilots Cap ... 12 and counting!
Also your TDV4 game is pretty impressive - 5 training centres? Plus loads of other buildings I don't recognize, how did you get all those?

On other matters, gifts going out shortly. I will post what I send here later - apologies if I make a mistake as am catching up on what people need still.

For me its all about Pruning Shears right now ... have one flower collection and need to complete it twice more! That's going to be hard so please just send me pruning shears for the time being. Many thanks!

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Steve - will try to get the defrosters sorted for you tonight (GMT) sorry weekend with the two promo's has been a bit of a killer...
  1. iPhone
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Hi again,

Here is a bit of a cheat for all of you

I found out that I can use that game crashing thing to my advantage. If you are collecting something from your friend (say pruning shears in this case), and do not receive any or not enough, then you should visit a friend you know is going to crash the game. Then while the game is stuck, press the home button and open the game again. For me at least my screen will be black for a moment and then return to the screen where you are trying to open the game. Then when I open my game again, it will load it all from the beginning. This way your game DID NOT register your visit to that friend, so you can try to collect those shears again.

This is a slow process, but it gives you a bit more opportunities to collect what you need.

How I know this. I crashed my game twice to my annoyance. Once after I received 3 shears from one friend and once after I got all the flowers for my first V-bouquet. Neither of these registered.

Hope this helps.

So now I am still missing 5 flowers for my 3 bouguets.

I could use some caterings to stock up to fly, and of course I need those shears.

Thanks again.

aartoo: I found out the same thing (posted about it a few days ago, although back then I still thought that just logging out and back in was enough, but the game has to crash as you report). Almost all of my neighbours crash though :s
JesperJ: Definitely post when you're trying for another launch, the wrist bands finally dropped for me, so I can do my first launch now :). They dropped from a mansion by the way, not what I expected...but when I look it up now it drops from a lot of friend's buildings
mcmanda: Everybody has troubles with different collections I think, I've got only 6 flowers left to collect, but still need 13 teddys, and I'm flying continuously to the V-destinations. Keep on trying ;)


350+ Star Club
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GS4: GamingSwiftie4 (iPad), GS5: 04skwc5l
GS4, GS5
Like others, I'm still working on the challenge. However, I've completed the flower collection part of it on both games. So, for those who can keep up, I'm no longer in need of shears. (I've adjusted my signature.)


hi all,

is anyone able to send me Bath towel all-inclusive bracelet or perhaps even disposable shampoo?
I need it for my second hotel, didn't know the items do not drop from the flights as you progress with the game.

let me know which items you need and i will send them in return - if I have them in my outgoing list.

thanks a million!

  1. iPhone
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@mcmanda: Everybody has troubles with different collections I think, I've got only 6 flowers left to collect, but still need 13 teddys, and I'm flying continuously to the V-destinations. Keep on trying ;)

Yeah, it's just unfortunate that for me it's that one. A mission involving flights just seems like I have much more control because I can turn around and keep trying. Instead first I've got to rely on neighbor gifts (which are great!) or being able to visit neighbors (which wouldn't be so much of a problem if GI didn't suck so hard lately) and then I have to deal with awful drop rates. Yuck.

Good luck flying - I've mastered flights to Venice and the Maldives, but for me it was Venice that dropped the most bears, I think. I'm working on Verona right now, but I'll soon run out of hoses. Within the past 2 or 3 days I've seen an uptick in the overall number of drops.

Still working of flowers ... so lots and lots of shears are appreciated!


150+ Star Club
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mcmanda - at the start of the challenge I've sold all my planes and bought powerful propeller-driven instead. This made collecting teddies quite easy as they drop from Venice flight, which takes 40 min & 12 fuel. Maybe this would help you?
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see my signature
Many thanks to all who have been sending me shears – returned where I could – sadly many are still usernames and so unable to tag everyone…

Pruning shears sent to:
Vangees (C/o Sophie)
Sky Ranger
Ianda11 (Ianda10)

Bali Hi - does JeanVL still need shears?

Still trying my best to recognised the rest of the people either from the avatar or airport /level.... please tag me if I have not returned an items to you...
  1. iPhone
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@mcmanda - at the start of the challenge I've sold all my planes and bought powerful propeller-driven instead. This made collecting teddies quite easy as they drop from Venice flight, which takes 40 min & 12 fuel. Maybe this would help you?

I thought about it, but I wouldn't have enough coins to buy back all the planes I'd need to run normal flights. So I'll keep sending my powerful propeller to Venice and working on the Provence and Verona flights. I only need 2 rabbit plushies, so hopefully that can happen in 7 days.

Speaking of - thanks for all the shears (but keep them coming!)! Some GI God heard my whining, because today I got 3 of the flowers I needed for the bouquet collection after 2 days of nothing. (It took ~25 shears to do it today, but it happened.) Now I only need 2 orchids to finish the 3 sets of bouquets.
  1. Android
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  3. iPhone
Iphone: Jpjpjp999; Ipad: Jpjpjp4; Android: Jpjpjp2
As I still get a lot of pruning shears, I have made a list of forum-users who still need shears (I think it is a waist of the gift to sent me pruning shears if other people still need them). Please find each other....
I will use the list when sending gifts.
It's a special thread under Ipad....
  1. iPhone
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Thanks for the caterings. I've got enough for a while.

So now I could use some Fuel Hoses, so I can get the stars from Verona.

Does anyone know if I can fly to these V-day destinations after I complete the mission?

I am 1 flower short of fininshing the V-day mission.

  1. Android
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see my signature
see my signature
Just want to say a big thankyou to people who are still gifting to my TDVCrApple2 game - I am still in need of many pruning shears... (missing one Rose) and two teddy's to complete the promo...
  1. Android
  2. iPhone
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see my signature
see my signature
Sent prunning shears to the following people who are not username or have an avatar to id them from:

Steve (Steve74-uk)
Ianda11 (Ianda10)
Arne (Vind airport) - I think it is you a picture of a man in a blue shirt...
Vangees (c/o Sophie) not too sure if you still need shears

I will keep restarting the game to see if some of the names appear back - if not will send/return to usernames
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