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Windows PC - Weekly Trading Thread - November 30th 2015

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Ken, I received a gift from you today. My window opens up again in 40 minutes. I'll send to both your accounts, See if it flows through.
  1. Windows PC
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Please PM Neighbor and Gift Requests
SDave, Derby, and Tatsu
Okay now.
There seems to be A; Either a serious glitch in the gifting situation, or no one gifts are getting through the transporter to the other side.
A few days ago, I was overwhelmed with gifts and suddenly, I'm down to maybe one or two here and there.
I've even checked sending gifts between !KB 1 & 2 and nothing. Even !angel says it's been several days since she got anything from me
@KenDuckySmith you should get 3 everyday from me...
  1. Windows PC
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I'm getting multiple items form KB2 now, I already received yesterday and I've got 2 x Fuel now. Nice :).
btw: Can you send me a POS terminal next time or someone else fot that matter. I need 3 for my Duty Free upgrade.
If someone needs something from me, just let me know by pm. I try to look in the signatures before sending items, but due to limited time I'm not able to go trough them al the time.
  1. Windows PC
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Hello all and thanks for the gifts!
Start sending in reply.
I have started new Green launch as well - welcome to join! Have about 6:30 hours to go and put about 250 points already - I'm not fighting for first place ;)


900+ Star Club
VIP Flyer
Musketeers Alliance
Okay now.
There seems to be A; Either a serious glitch in the gifting situation, or no one gifts are getting through the transporter to the other side.
A few days ago, I was overwhelmed with gifts and suddenly, I'm down to maybe one or two here and there.
I've even checked sending gifts between !KB 1 & 2 and nothing. Even !angel says it's been several days since she got anything from me
every day I send to you a gift and every day I receive your gift


900+ Star Club
VIP Flyer
Musketeers Alliance
I just want to repeat the invite about '' the red group launch ''
If some players are interested to join '' the red group launch '' just send me a PM and I will add you in the thread of '' red group launch ''. The goal for that ''group launch'' is to make it more easy to do the launches while GI resolve the visiting problem ( a lot of players have just small points and they cannot do the launches, In group those players have a possibility to participate.The more players we will be in launches , the less points the players will have to put in the launches.

Captain WH Rollins

150+ Star Club
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  1. Windows PC
Captain WH Rollins
Dear All

I've just finished sending out my 20 gift items for today, I hope there are no problems with receiving my gifts. Wishing all flyers well, mind the stormy conditions ahead. Thanks for all the gifts received yesterday and today.


Captain WH Rollins
  1. Windows PC
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Experienced strange thing today - started repair of (freaken) Concorde this morning. It flew fast, but breaks too often as well. When I put it to repair box it says as usual, that box will be occupied for 12 hours (for a day), but in Lunchtime I found, that it's ready. Two times quicker!!! And I didn't put grannies for that!!! That's the FIRST good glitch I see in this game...


900+ Star Club
VIP Flyer
Musketeers Alliance
I just want to repeat the invite about '' the red group launch ''
If some players are interested to join '' the red group launch '' just send me a PM and I will add you in the thread of '' red group launch ''. The goal for that ''group launch'' is to make it more easy to do the launches while GI resolve the visiting problem ( a lot of players have just small points and they cannot do the launches, In group those players have a possibility to participate.The more players we will be in launches , the less points the players will have to put in the launches.
And for the moment we have 2 QL inside

  1. Windows PC
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Morning all,

I just updated my signature as I leveled up and can now send Attitude Indicators. All my gifts have been sent for the day but inbox me if you require anything specific.

  1. Windows PC
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Hello Neighbors,

I am getting ready for bed. To update you, my dad stopped by the Samsung Customer Care Head Office in Bangkok to check on my Tablet. They fixed the plastic parts and screen. They also had to fix my memory/drive. Lost some of my games including the G! ones. Luckily, my dad got the Samsung techies to talk directly with G! and got my Transport Empire up and working again this afternoon at the previous level, money, gold, etc.... They are waiting for a code to do the same for my first account, Flo, on Airport City. Keep your fingers crossed that it will work too!

I sent gifts to all 12 of my neighbors of Flo2. Could use some more neighbors. If you want gifts, please ask me to be neighbors. Thank you and see you around the world...


800+ Star Club
  1. Windows PC
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pm me to be added
Hey! Thanks to everybody who sends me Fuel20 daily, my gifts are sent to all of you today. I desperately need a lot of those precious red barrels :rolleyes:
Feel free to request me returning you anything specific if you need.
Alas, visiting neighbors still does not function for me :( I hope I'm not missing any healing updates.
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