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New "Edge of Tomorrow" Collections


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Waverly huff
Waverly huff
Just landed my last flight to Glasgow to three-star all of these Collections' destinations ... and all current destinations.

Nothing to do now until the next update/quest. Perhaps it will be a repeat of the Thanksgiving Day quest.
(The 2013 guide is here: https://www.airportcitygame.com/index.php?threads/thanksgiving-day-quest-2013.4766/)
I could try to earn more reward buildings, but why bother. There's nowhere to put them.


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  1. Android
This is the hardest quest. Not only because of the Jumbo and passengers. But the item drop very rare. I did all 120 flights. And each destination max only 2 buildings. Compare to Pyramid and friend, each 3 stars I can get 5 b uildings. I activated bussines class, spy glass, dice, golden dice, lucky cap, and VIP. I can not imagine the normal flights. Anyway, I like to get more Luna Park. But I am not doing it now. I hope the next update will make this quest easier. Tom, thanks for all your share. And btw, my games still not automatic safe. Now I have to turn on few hours to make sure it save itself. Bye
  1. iPad
I am also working on the Edge of Tomorrow quest...(nothing else anyway really to do now). Having 20 1st place finishes still hasn't yielded me all 5 maps though (missing that Glasgow one!) The problem for this quest is that it kind of requires your full attention to the game while you are running a map, and I don't really have time for this...since I've 3 and 4 maps for most of the other destinations I am doing them on a 10-15 planes for each map. So far only 2 buildings received and both in my warehouse as there's no land to put them...

Chad Ladwig

700+ Star Club
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The new update brought a surprising new Space challenge: five new collections with maps only available by earning first place in a Lunar Mission. All flights require Jumbo planes.

View attachment 1192

Moonlight Sonata Collection requires five items that drop from flights to Vienna (very seldom):
Complete collection to receive Digital Grand Piano
Complete collection three times to receive Concert Hall
View attachment 1211

Moonwalk Collection requires five items that drop from flights to Glasgow (very seldom):
Dance Shoes
Moon Boots
3D Printed Shoes
Smart Cleats
Platform Shoes
Complete collection to receive Disco Ball
Complete collection three times to receive Nightclub
View attachment 1208

Fantastic Voyage Collection requires five items that drop from flights to Beverly Hills (very seldom):
Futuristic Helmet
Futuristic Dress
Futuristic Boots
Futuristic Glasses
Futuristic Collar
Complete collection to receive Retro Rocket
Complete collection three times to receive Showroom
View attachment 1209

Can't Let You Go Collection requires five items that drop from flights to Zagreb (very seldom):
Complete collection to receive Celestial Couple
Complete collection three times to receive Art Gallery
View attachment 1216

Signs of Fate Collection requires five items that drop from flights to Potsdam (very seldom):
Complete collection to receive Horoscope
Complete collection three times to receive Public Library
View attachment 1210

Magnificent Desolation Collection requires the five previous items:
Digital Grand Piano
Disco Ball
Retro Rocket
Celestial Couple
Complete collection to receive Quantum Leap
Complete collection three times to receive Luna Park (note that Luna Park increases maximum passengers by 100!)
View attachment 1217

All maps are good for 17 hours. All flights use Jumbo planes; I had to sell my seven Giants (did not sell my one Giant S2 or three Giant S1 planes) and buy Jumbos.

The flight costs 48 oil and 380 passengers. The flight takes 16 hours and 30 minutes. With a Vintage Weathervane the flight takes 10 hours and 38 minutes. It takes 90 fuel to speed up the plane for an immediate landing. Stars are earned at 30 / 60 /120 flights.

The reward is 220 gold, 210 experience and one of the items (very seldom).

Below is an updated compressed Excel file with these new collections.

Hello Tom, greensmith I noticed today while flying to Beverly Hills the time is now 19 hours and 25 minutes. I am trying to get 1 more futuristic glasses to get another QL and another Luna Park. I have flown 30 flights with no luck. Have a good weekend. I am not sure if the other maps are 19 hours and 25 minutes. I would assume they are, unless this is a GI mess up. Chad


600+ Star Club
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Waverly huff
Waverly huff
Has anyone completed the side quests that accompanied the update? You know, the ones where you buy extremely expensive buildings that require space you don't have.
I've finished all but one and the end rewards are underwhelming to say the least. I believe the last one was three Golden Toads.
I have finished all with passenger buildings, as you have said, too expensive for the reward. I am still thinking what to do with the Learning is light and A bad feeling, because next building is above 0,5 M and it takes some effort to get the money. Would appreciate some info what is the reward in both side quests.


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Waverly huff
Waverly huff
I just finished building the Condominium, the last subquest. (I didn't spend greenies to speed anything up.) Next is to "visit the Condominium to see the graffiti," which won't happen for 24 hours. Will let you know the result, but I'm not counting on anything impressive.
Last edited:


600+ Star Club
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Waverly huff
Waverly huff
So I decided to do them when new land is available. I hope it is coming in the new year :confused:??
@Bali Hi
Here's a list of things coming in the new year in order of probability with 1 being most probable and 10 being least probable:
1. One of those Kardashians will pose stark naked for a magazine cover
2. The "World" Series will once again be won by an American team
3. Cher will launch a farewell concert tour
4. Vladimir Putin will pose shirtless while riding either a four-legged animal or a four-wheel vehicle
5. The President of France will admit to an affair and no one will care
6. Adam Sandler will release four movies and all of them will lose money
7. The Tour de France will be won by a person on a bicycle
8. One of those Kardashians will divorce, then marry, then divorce again
9. Poland will land an astronaut on the sun (but everything will be okay because they will land him at night)*
10. GI will make new land expansions available for Airport City
*It's okay, I'm half Polish
@Bali Hi
Here's a list of things coming in the new year in order of probability with 1 being most probable and 10 being least probable:
1. One of those Kardashians will pose stark naked for a magazine cover
8. One of those Kardashians will divorce, then marry, then divorce again
9. Poland will land an astronaut on the sun (but everything will be okay because they will land him at night)
10. GI will make new land expansions available for Airport City
*It's okay, I'm half Polish

That the Kardashians are mentioned twice in the Top 10 list reminds us once again that they are a Superpower to be reckoned with!

Why are the Polish trying to land on the Sun? They should try to claim the North Pole like Denmark. After all what would else would the residents of North Pole call themselves but North Polish?

Merry Xmas to all the residents of North Pole!


600+ Star Club
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Waverly huff
Waverly huff
I just finished building the Condominium, the last subquest. (I didn't spend greenies to speed anything up.) Next is to "visit the Condominium to see the graffiti," which won't happen for 24 hours. Will let you know the result, but I'm not counting on anything impressive.
This subquest reward is three Matryoshka Dolls. Each one doubles the maximum amount of passengers for eight hours. Better than the Golden Toad but still not worth the coins and time spent in my humble opinion. But at least all those subquest icons are gone from my game.
Five full month after the quest appeared, I finally 3-starred the 5 "Edge of Tomorrow" destinations!!!!!
I'm slow but I got there finally :).

Thanks to Tom @greensmith for the guide and inspiration.
Thanks to @flip123, @nsari, @Juvenal, @Robby Kusuma and @Abhishek Jain for the QL parties that enabled me to score a few #1 Red Launches & "Edge" maps.
Thanks to all my neighbours for the constant supply of catalysts. Can't do it without everyone's help.
  1. iPad
Five full month after the quest appeared, I finally 3-starred the 5 "Edge of Tomorrow" destinations!!!!!
I'm slow but I got there finally :).

Thanks to Tom @greensmith for the guide and inspiration.
Thanks to @flip123, @nsari, @Juvenal, @Robby Kusuma and @Abhishek Jain for the QL parties that enabled me to score a few #1 Red Launches & "Edge" maps.
Thanks to all my neighbours for the constant supply of catalysts. Can't do it without everyone's help.

I've three-starred the flights, but I only had 3 Clavichord's from Vienna after more than 190 flights there :( So only one Lunapark to show ...
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