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Android Very hard to get gifts from Lapland

  1. Android
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Same. I gave up on the event, especially that there is no mysterious plane neither super building 2 (which includes planetarium). But I think this will be reality of new awards system- you either want to finish, or just give up:)
  1. Android
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Flying 8 Santa jets and wearing them out on incredibly dry runs but no worries I have 17 or 18 more in the warehouse smh wtf. What I don't have are items from visiting skating rinks, Santa houses and ice sculpture parks. More than 150 visits in the past three days and I got one lousy sweater. Running that worthless secret basement too one day. Aggravating everyone by such relentless money grubbing is not a good way to run a game... especially during the holidays.

Anyways... Happy New Year everyone!! well almost everyone... a certain gaming company you guys can... you can just do whatever suits ya and see how it goes (I for one will not spend any more on this gift-less Santa game).


1100+ Star Club
  1. iPad
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Happy New Year!

TBH, at this point I'm more worried about completing Cold Winter one last time as that Ice Castle is very pretty. Girl needs a new pair of Skates!

Would be horrible to end the event without completing it due to one measly pair of skates. Sigh...
  1. Android
  2. Windows PC
I've given up on this christmas task , 200 plus flights to Lapland and nothing to show for it so 6 ice rinks and 2 Santa cottage in to storage of which i haven't been able to use grrrrrrr
  1. Windows PC
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where is the refrigerator 🕵️‍♂️🕵️‍♂️🕵️‍♂️🕵️‍♂️🕵️‍♂️🕵️‍♂️🕵️‍♂️🕵️‍♂️🕵️‍♂️🕵️‍♂️🕵️‍♂️

really frustrated :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:


150+ Star Club
Wiki Editor
Would be horrible to end the event without completing it due to one measly pair of skates. Sigh...
Already happened to me, twice in 3 events span. One single item away from finishing the event.

The number of my friends (and probably yours as well) that don't have a single skating rink finished is astounding.
I prefer the more simple times when paying and free but grinding gave you the same results. But I think Mudchute is right, the pay-to-win system is becoming a standard here. Either we adopt our gameplay or GI will have to adopt theirs if the cash money doesn't show up.

Martin L.

600+ Star Club
VIP Flyer
  1. iPad
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Martin L.
I am using all kinds of bonuses all the time and am nowhere near finishing the collections. No problem to pay extra for something that entertains me, but to make it so very tough is just ridiculous. Not only am I not going to play this event next year, I am going to hold off paying for premium pass and bonuses on events for a while. Equally, no more greenies purchased for now - until it feels that monetary contributions are worth it again. I slogged very hard for the last year and enjoyed it, but my attitude toward this game is changing in a hurry.
OK, I'm at the point of being highly frustrated with regards to Lapland drops. 6 boots, 10 hats, 10 mittens, and 14 glasses. Not a single can of soda. What do I have to do to get a Coke from Lapland, give Santa a lap dance (wanted to make a pun, but kinda not really)? Geez...

Wouldn't be the most regretful thing I've done drunk, but it seems extreme.
Agree with you. Extend this game to easter and we still cannot complete it with this crappy drop rate.....
I am using all kinds of bonuses all the time and am nowhere near finishing the collections. No problem to pay extra for something that entertains me, but to make it so very tough is just ridiculous. Not only am I not going to play this event next year, I am going to hold off paying for premium pass and bonuses on events for a while. Equally, no more greenies purchased for now - until it feels that monetary contributions are worth it again. I slogged very hard for the last year and enjoyed it, but my attitude toward this game is changing in a hurry.
Totally agree with you. Never had such a crappy drop rate than this event. GI made a big mistake with this one.
First three days went lost to get my first plane.
Now flying with 5 plaines many times to lapland and sometimes to the other event destinations but it makes me cry.
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