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Punishment for a GI's bugs/errors

  1. Android
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a4rgnqc / at61m60
Steve64 / DIA
This was posted on the Airport City Mobile facebook page earlier today.

Dear #Android players! We're glad to announce we've resolved technical issues that falsely labelled some of the accounts as being engaged in suspicious activity. To make it up for you we've unbanned everyone who was banned before, so if you were one of those who cheated that's your chance to start life in#AirportCity anew - update game to the latest version now!

Helen Elizabeth

Top Poster Of The Month
  1. Android
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Happy Helen
This was posted on the Airport City Mobile facebook page earlier today.

Dear #Android players! We're glad to announce we've resolved technical issues that falsely labelled some of the accounts as being engaged in suspicious activity. To make it up for you we've unbanned everyone who was banned before, so if you were one of those who cheated that's your chance to start life in#AirportCity anew - update game to the latest version now!
That's great, fingers crossed LAX, Pakman @Neil and others who have been blighted by the " technical issues " :) are soon back to normal
  1. Android
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I have joined a launch yesterday :)
have to proof another issues but it seems good...
Have also exchanged about 30 emails with GI asking if there are going to solve it not now but in future because I don't want to lose e.g. my pyramids - the answer was NO...
  1. Android
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6mtget / / a1hhb6e (Not able to add friends, add me if you wish)
jedverdejo / jedverd2

I don't know. I can only think of two reasons: too many remaining greens(~3000) or two games in the same tablet (in different user accounts).

I sent a ticket to GI support, although I do not expect a favorable answer.

  1. Android
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04m479so + almjced + aaa3pr1 + 0400ag7m
vayka1 + noya12 + ayon1 + kaito1
Damn, they didn't restore my game on VAYKA1. Can't visit/send gifts since nov. 2012!!!!!!
After a lot of mailing with GI, they never did anything to help that game.
So after reading their FB page, that games which were banned are restored on okt. 1th, i opened a new ticket.
I asked them, why my game isn't restored yet. I'll wait for their answer.
  1. Android
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6mtget / / a1hhb6e (Not able to add friends, add me if you wish)
jedverdejo / jedverd2

Good news from GI.

I got both games unlocked again at the cost of having again a big decrement in the number of greens. They are now below 500 in both games.

So, it seems that the number of greens triggers some kind of anomaly detection.

BTW, thanks to GI!

  1. iPad
  2. iPhone
Uncle Mans
After a few days of back and forth of their typical responses, they sent me an email saying they were going to close my ticket. I responded that they could close the ticket as long as they had a category that the user was not happy/did not agree. Apparently they didn't like that....
I currently have a ticket open with GI as well. As with you, they advised me that I had received an unfair advantage because I manipulated my date/time, ie the time travel cheat. This is total BS though as I have NEVER used this cheat. In effect, they have flagged my account for accusing me of cheating, but they don't know how I cheated so they said I used the time travel cheat. What a total crock!!

They have not told me they are closing my ticket yet, but I have not heard back from my latest response. I will keep everyone updated.
  1. iPad
  2. iPhone
Uncle Mans
I currently have a ticket open with GI as well. As with you, they advised me that I had received an unfair advantage because I manipulated my date/time, ie the time travel cheat. This is total BS though as I have NEVER used this cheat. In effect, they have flagged my account for accusing me of cheating, but they don't know how I cheated so they said I used the time travel cheat. What a total crock!!

They have not told me they are closing my ticket yet, but I have not heard back from my latest response. I will keep everyone updated.

But, they understand how we feel. :ROFLMAO::banghead: Stupid form letters.
  1. Android
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PM me for the code
WLG Old Lantern
It seems to clear the backlog of open tickets GI has unilaterally decided to close the ticket without any reason.:rage:
I am coming close to the end of the game, I do not know if I can even bother going for the space destinations. So I give myself another month before I may quit this altogether.
Ah, looks like Game Insight need to update the game with new challenges (no bugs if possible) and modify some aspects of the game.
  • I find tasks that require gifts from other players makes it more interesting (and the forum livelier).
  • Getting maps only if you come first on rocket launches brings out selfish streaks. GI should also award maps for coming in 2nd
  • 12 hour runs are too taxing (hey some of us have to work!).

Helen Elizabeth

Top Poster Of The Month
  1. Android
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Happy Helen
Hey guys, you are my best neighbours, even though you can't gift at the moment LAX, I live in hope that your game will be restored.

@Bali, yes I agree I feel selfish as when I visit a neighbour it's to get more launch boxes and not give them fuel / passengers.This whole flying to come first for a stupid map to Nagoya is ruining the game for me.

Blackcloud, you're such an asset to the forum, we need you and other experienced old hands for guidance. (Old not meant to be literal )

I take it easy for a week or do, build up my fuel, launch boxes then try to enjoy a spree session. I also enjoy gifting as I like the buzz of getting gifts in return :)
I have been going back and forth with GI regarding my blocked account for several days and received this email today:

"I have received a final answer from our specialists. They stay uncompromising :(
At the moment you have 2 otions at the moment:
- to play further with social restrictions;
- to reinstall the game and start it anew with all the purchases reapplied.
Looking forward to help you out!"

Unfortunately, it does not appear that my game will be restored even though it was blocked for a cheat that I NEVER used. The only way I can see continuing to play is if GI finally unblocks ALL Apple players games like they did for Android players. Otherwise, I may just finish out the stars on the remaining destinations and call it quits.

I have many, many great neighbors that I can't send gifts to or even join launches with them. It just makes the game much less enjoyable. GI has ruined an otherwise great game.
  1. Android
Friend Code
I have been going back and forth with GI regarding my blocked account for several days and received this email today:

"I have received a final answer from our specialists. They stay uncompromising :(
At the moment you have 2 otions at the moment:
- to play further with social restrictions;
- to reinstall the game and start it anew with all the purchases reapplied.
Looking forward to help you out!"

Unfortunately, it does not appear that my game will be restored even though it was blocked for a cheat that I NEVER used. The only way I can see continuing to play is if GI finally unblocks ALL Apple players games like they did for Android players. Otherwise, I may just finish out the stars on the remaining destinations and call it quits.

I have many, many great neighbors that I can't send gifts to or even join launches with them. It just makes the game much less enjoyable. GI has ruined an otherwise great game.
I had the same option before they has unblocked all players. I think this answer and this method is unsatisfactory and - all in all - ridiculous. GI giving these option to chose are trying to destroy the game. If I really HAVE to chose one of their option I would quit the game and close my AC and was very close to make this .
This method is of course unfair because in my opinion they are trying to move responsibility for the programmers bugs and/or errorsdecision to users. This method is very comfortable - "this is not my fault, as a redress let's kill a sheep!"
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