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Monday 18th February 2013 - Android Daily Trading Thread

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To try and make the trading experience as easy as possible, we have now moved onto having a daily trading thread.

Please post the following details below:

Username/Friend Code
in-game name
Items Required
Items You Can Send

If you already have these details in your signature, please feel free to post "See Signature" or copy and paste your signature into the post.

This thread will last for 24 hours. After that it will be closed and a new thread created.
  1. Android
Friend Code
Afternoon all. After a weekend in which I had both my birthday and food poisoning (not in that order) I am still after that last damn flower to close out this latest mission so if you have any spare shears to send my way I shall consider it a late birthday pressent/get-well-soon card and say thank you.


350+ Star Club
  1. Android
Friend Code
zen_(items I need)
Damn, I finally got the 3 missing chrysanth and what happens next...on expected error - game stopped. Booh and gone were my flowers...
So I still need shears and also a lot of meals.
  1. Android
Stabekk, congratulations (no not with your food poisoning...:( ) I don't know why I cannot add you, maybe you can give it a try?
zenmie I add you just a moment ago, I can send you one shears....

@ everyone, thanks for the gifts, I sent gifts back a few moment ago, why the limit of 20 with so many kindly neighbours??
Have a nice day!
shears from nsari Metrohenrik InCoNvEnIeNtE CK-Airport flip123 Red Fox One t1878 diwata
Osc beacon from@jackjackeli

Thanks for all the items

Shears to Metrohenrik CK-Airport Kitty zenmie
Robot tester to diwata
Fuel hose to nsari t1878 Suresh
Spare Wire to nsari 2
Passengers to Bali Hi
Landing Lamp to Kitty
Catering to flip123 (jpjpjp2) InCoNvEnIeNtE Friso jackjackeli
Fuel to air canillas

racoon78 CC Rider twisteduk Sky Ranger Phantom (PH2)
Please could you accept? thanks
  1. Android
Friend Code
mg name what i need
Hello everybody
My weekend was a three days off with friends from amsterdam ! Go to bed very very late with too much mojito and rakia
Here i m again
Today s gift :
syapik air vent filter
pienicki fuel
Aero osc beaco
zizulina gift back
Suresh fuel hose
Stabekk Metrohenrik zenmie pruningshears
Ana Cristina Eusebio what do you need today?
t1878 ful hose can you send me please pruning shears?
InCoNvEnIeNtE catering can you send me please do not disturb sign
Do you know who is darbyt30 ? His her name here? thanks
  1. None of the above
Please let me know if my gifts didn't go through again (syapik and pienicki).
Here's what I sent:
@air canillas : Fuel (3)
@Bali Hi : Passengers (10)
@Blackcloud : Pruning Shears
@bubbajed5711 : Pruning Shears
@Divvy : Pruning Shears@javi : Pruning Shears
@lkoo : Pruning Shears
@nsari & sari2: Flight Catering
@pienicki : Deicer
@Raaaaaaaandy : Pruning Shears
@Suresh : Pruning Shears
@syapik : Air Vent Filter@tdv : Passengers (10) (TDVCrApple2)
cough... shears... cough2x.... Your generosity will still be needed for these 3 days!! Thanksss! Tulipppp why u no dropppp
  1. Android
Friend Code
Sky Ranger
I still need one more tulip to complete the OWOL challenge. So, Pruning Shears would be appreciated. (y)

AC Player ...Gift I Received///Gift I Sent
Blackcloud ...Robot Tester///Pruning Shears (My Cosmic Fuel Station is now complete. THANK YOU!!!)
Toddfish ...Osc. Beacon///Fuel Hose
Raaaaaaaandy ...P.Shears///P.Shears
twisteduk ...Fuel Hose///Fuel Hose
Kitty ...Fuel Hose///Landing Lamp (Is your signature and Username up to date?)
Long ...Fuel Hose///Fuel Hose
Sophie ...Pruning Shears ;) ///P.Shears to Sophie-Shears & flight catering to Sofie2
Phantom (PH2) ...P.Shears///P. Shears

tdv Your Crapple2 game appeared in my "random Add neighbor" list today. I have re-added you from there. I should be in your "Waiting" list. Please accept.
  1. Android
Friend Code
Sophie-Item needed
I'm back!!!!! I didn't have internet for the past 3 days and I was dying!!!!! Sucks that I depend on it so much ;). First I want to apologize to those of you that have been in dier need of shears and I haven't been able to send them, believe me I tried. I was even tempted to go sit outside of McDonalds just so I can get internet access but my husband wouldn't let me :mad:. Then I want to thank each and every single one of you for all the wonderful shears you guys have been sending, over 150 gifts and still haven't been able to complete this stupid mission. But I will continue until the timer runs out so more shears would be appreciated. I also want to let you guys know that my left should is sprained and I have my left arm on a sling which of course leaves me somewhat annoyed with my lack of ability to do things fast and my way... Hope you all had a wonderful weekend (or at least better than mine) and will be sending gifts out soon. Thanks again for everything!!!:love:
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