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Help (major cockup)

  1. Windows PC
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Hi Capt Rollins.

Welcome to the forum.

Scroll over your name, top right. In the drop down click on Signature. It's free form but any information you put in here attaches to every post. See some of the other posts for ideas of what to put and formatting.

Your platform and friend code. Anything you need. Items you can send for some ideas.

Post daily under the appropriate Trading thread. Do not start a new thread but post in the existing thread for the day.

Good Luck!

@df19 I would like to add you as a friend. I will be quite honest - I am in dire need of arcade machines which I can send. I tried o send you an invite but it came out invalid - maybe you could invite me.

Two days ago I did a very foolish thing, due to tiredness and the lateness of the hour, I removed my one and only Flight Catering Facility from Airport City (have been playing the game for almost 1 year). As a result of this action, many of the destinations which were open to me became closed. I had no choice but to spend 80K (my head started to hurt at this point) and purchased a new FCF, I then had to wait 2 full days (more head hurting) before the ghostly image of the FCF appeared.

Fortunately, I already have many of the unique items required, accept the following, which I need to complete the process and bring FCF to full appearance:

Cooling Chamber x 2 friend request
Defroster x3

I currently have seven planes (Jumbo's x3, powerful Delta's x 2 and Delta's x2) but non of them fly to Dubai. I would be very grateful for all your help with this matter.

I'm new to this, having only just signed up (have an email account but I draw the line at Facebook or Twitter)


Captain WH Rollins
sent friend request

Captain WH Rollins

150+ Star Club
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  1. Windows PC
Captain WH Rollins
@df19 I would like to add you as a friend. I will be quite honest - I am in dire need of arcade machines which I can send. I tried o send you an invite but it came out invalid - maybe you could invite me.

Have just sent the invite to you. Hope you get it without any problems.


Captain WH Rollins
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