Welcome to Airport City!

AirportCityGame.com is the Number One place to be when it comes to the hit game Airport City!

Real time chat to other players, trade items together, complete space missions, form & arrange alliances and much much more. It's all here at AirportCityGame.com

Artic trip

  1. Android
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WLG Old Lantern
It happen to me where i bought 3 ergonomic chair to finish my terminal. I required 2 also to finish the tower. After that i bought the 3 for the terminal ,it complted it but nothing happen to my tower and no ergo chair in my inventory. I think it should have gone to the inventory or am i wrong?
From my understanding of your post you needed 5 ergonomic chairs, 3 for the terminal and 2 for the tower. You bought 3 to finish the terminal leaving you with 2 more to get for the tower. For the 3 you bought they went towards the terminal and gone forever, they do not ever go back to the inventory. So game worked as designed.
  1. Android
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airship store allows as follows;
1- 150 fuel (10 @ 10cash each)
2- 300 passengers (10 @ 6 cash each)
3- duty free set (1@?coins) bought this accidentally
4- mystery buildings (5 @ 4cash each)
5- mystery bonus (1@ 8000coins)
Btw. the airship is decorative. Icing on a turd

finished the mission.. only bought items which can be bought with coins as i am sitting on 5.7m coins.. you can only purchase 1 item each of above.. i hoped land was 1 of the items.. *wishful thinking*
  1. Android
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If you look really close at the name of the airship, I think it reads "Hindenburg"
(sarcasm intended for the flaming wreckage reminiscent of GI's attempt to give us something hopeful, not for the tragic loss of life that day :()
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