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A weird bug...


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  1. iPhone
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I am now on my 5th day without daily videos but everything else seems to be fine. Unfortunately I now don't have the option of changing daily missions etc. I have reported this to tech support but got the response of All special offers and bonus videos are sent to the game automatically if any of them are available at the moment. If you don't see them, it means there are no offers for you right now. Just keep playing and wait for the new ones to appear later on. :(

Andy, I hope you have better luck than I am having and your game rights itself.
I have always found the free video advantages are erratic and frustrating on the Windows game. My main game is on IOS and the free videos tend to appear every day, and seem to accumulate if you do not get around to using all of them every day. But one of my Windows support accounts gives strictly 2 videos a day, and the other gives 7 one day and none the next! And of course its the Christmas and New Year holiday period. GI shuts down for a couple of weeks, and most peoples games suddenly become full of bugs. Last year we all lost lots of alliance flights, but many gained lots of free S3 aircraft (I received 7 of the S3 aircraft - couldn't use them all, so lost 4 along the way). It was a haywire period - maybe this year is going to be more of the same?
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