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  1. alex

    Valentine's Event?

    I am ready for it, If they work, because last year, the did not :(
  2. alex


    @Bob69bob As an ex developer, now Manager, I can relate to this. But my theory is that there are new owners or investors and the cash flow must be raised. That is easy solved, a lot of hardcore players here, so select a group of willing body's. I year ago I mailed GI to ask if they needed beta...
  3. alex

    The Winter Rock Festival - new update

    Free2Play My drop rate was about 10 to 14. Meaning that for the 40 rock items I had to land max 560 Guest plane in 6 days (windows). Planes land about 55 sec to a minute, meaning you a have to play 9 hours and 20 minutes to land the planes I was wondering if your company knows about RSI and...
  4. alex

    General removed from a lauch

    My posting was more to show my surprice, I did not know that people could kick you out or that there are ethisch to consider (hijack a launch, never heard form it in the 4 years I play this game) Personly find this a bad feature. I am afraid to join a anonmous lauch now, if I do not know if you...
  5. alex

    General removed from a lauch

    fyi jonny is not a member of this forum
  6. alex

    General removed from a lauch

    I just was removed from a red lauch from the lauch initiator (jonny1971) And I also last all items I put into the lauch This has never happend to me, I was wondering, if this is normal ? btw kind of pissed about it, I put in 1600 points when I was kicked
  7. alex

    Weekend code for February 24, 2017

    McKayla Rose Maroney (born December 9, 1995)[4] is an American former[5] artistic gymnast. She was a member of the U.S. women's gymnastics team dubbed the Fierce Five at the 2012 Summer Olympics, where she won a gold medal in the team and an individual silver medal in the vault event. Maroney...
  8. alex

    **Current Star Club Members**

    216 stars@the moment
  9. alex

    Fun fair balloon Offering Greens!

    With the new update I get a lot of popups with all kind of deals in AC. I need an Ad Block plugin :mad:
  10. alex

    Potential Next Quest???

    I hope the drops are better than the last twe events, they where terrible
  11. alex

    Curse of the Valley of the Kings (2016)

    Start your game offline and you get normal pasengers, that can be flow away with the normal flights, and still get the drops.
  12. alex

    Curse of the Valley of the Kings (2016)

    Today I was working offline (no wifi here on my windows laptops) and the burial vault produce normal yellow passengers. Also planes did use normal pasangers to all curse of the valley of the kings destinations. Burial Vault also produces some drops. So if you run out of green peop
  13. alex

    Curse of the Valley of the Kings (2016)

    The burial vault only drops the straitjacket sometimes, but it alway drops the passengers. This could be a bug, because, if you max out your passengers and have no Straitjacket, you can not active anymore passengers, because you can not fly them away.
  14. alex

    Guide to A Walk in the Clouds 2016

    Where can I find an Carriage Workshops ?
  15. alex

    New Update with Valentine 2016

    last year romatic building, does not produce romantic passenger on windows :(
  16. alex

    Join the 150+, 350+, ... and up to 1200+ Star Club

    Also made it to the first banner
  17. alex

    Most beatiful building in AC

  18. alex

    Time traveler / cheater (round two)

    Then it is your laptop, because there db is a non issue, your localy started game decide if there is a time travelers event or not. Your laptop is telling them that it thinks you cheated. In other word, the GI database decided nothing. It can not be some system on there site. Its a bug in the...
  19. alex

    WEEKEND CODE 2/5/2015

    mard spoiled, sulky, sullen. Having a tantrum, being difficult. Was widely used in the Manchester area. Always assumed it's a corruption of "marred" (or "mar'd" or "marr'd" as Shakespeare wrote it). See also mardy, mardarse and mardy-pants. Compare...
  20. alex

    Time traveler / cheater (round two)

    The next daylight saving is in March and the next after that is in october. So daylight saving can not be your issue. Also an database backup is also no issue. DB is backuped when it is up and running. DB can be mutated and backup at the sametime. No, you as everybody else here, got the...
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