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  • Hey Becky .... I hope all is well.. How many Yagi Uda Antennas do you need for Beckyp and Beckyp2?
    All is well, Ramy, now that the deep freeze has finally left Minnesota! Hallelujah!
    Beckyp needs 2 Yagi antennas and beckyp2 needs 3 but don't let me hold up construction in your airport.

    Anyway, thanks for being such a generous neighbor.
    I will continue to send fuel catalysts unless you would prefer something else from my list. :)
    catalysts are fine. Thanks.. Fine weather is hitting the east coast these days. Perfect timing for early easter egg hunts for the kids.
    Hey becky...Could you please collect from the four aztec pyramids i have. I wanna to check out what's all the hype about. Thanks
    Sure. I'm a bit worried about what punishment GI is going to inflict when they figure this one out!? :)
    good point.....Thanks though
    Hi. Just sent you invitation on beckyp. Can you accept it? And send me invitation from beckyp2? Thx a lot :)
    Hi Becky, I don't have anything on your list at the moment. Any particular flight items either of your games could use at the moment?
    Hey, Kirsty. Hope you are doing okay with going back to work.
    My Beckyp game could use blankets.
    My beckyp2 game could use nav mods or props.
    I am watching your signature for what you need, but let me know if there is anything else you want me to send instead. :)
    Becky I see Beckyp2 has Intercom I need these for both games if you can send over thanks. I will try to return so hope you get them
    Yes, I just got the intercom to gift when I went to level 42. I will keep sending to both your games. If you keep your signature updated, I will know when you have enough!
    Oh, and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! :D
    Neil ellor
    Neil ellor
    Becky you seem to have everything I need at the moment so thanks for the gifts and birthday wishes
    Becky I have sent parking meter to beckyp2 I know it's not on your list but I am hoping there is a cross platform thing going on and you get one of the other items you need. It may help both of us as I need the parking meter so please return. Let's see what happens
    Sorry, Neil. I didn't see this message before. If you send another parking meter, I will send it back to you.
    Altimeters are still OK and TY !!
    Forgot to mention - it's been a bit Chilly there hasn't it! LOL
    Hahaha! Chilly is an understatement!
    I sure am hoping Spring comes early this year!
    Hi -how is the LVL8 quest going - see you need Podium - got mine via Pwcmvj - I posted a thread on how we did it. Also I used Deetee04 for my Intercom - I also posted this in the same thread. Bill
    Hey, Bill. Haven't had a lot of time to spend on this game. I try to quickly do visits, send gifts, and send out planes whenever I can.
    Do you still want altimeters, or is there something else I should be sending instead?
    Just wanted to check you are receiving the flight helmets and arch metal detectors I'm sending? I'm hoping it's just a case of your signature needing an update... I unfortunately don't have anything else that's on your list so are wireless compasses and blankets a useful gift for you?
    Yes, I desperately need blankets for my Beckyp game since I only have one laundry.
    Thanks, Kirsty.
    Anything in particular that you want me to send?
    hi dear...
    my game name is AYEN***, i just sent u invitation to beckyp2
    i need smoke detector, grinding machine, landing lamp....
    i can send u: flight helmet, dispatcher console n fuel20
    can u accept me? :D
    Invitation accepted! Sent smoke detector. :)
    thx dear... i got the smoke detector.... i'll send u flight helmet....

    i still need 1 smoke detector.... can u send me 1 more? :D
    Android Game: a2cm5hz, Game Username: beckyp2
    I would appreciate receiving: fax x4/ office chair x4/ mayor's portrait x4/ deicer/ TV panels/spare wire/ spare propeller

    I have office chairs and TV panels, if you want to add me. As well as those flight items.
    I would appreciate that very much! Please let me know your friend code and what gift you would like me to send to you! :)
    Have you updated? If so I was wondering.... And hoping... That you may be able to send aerosols from your android game? If you can I would very much appreciate a few being sent my way :)
    Any preference over bright lanterns or Leyden jars your end?
    I ran out of Fuel Supply today in my beckyp2 game. Any help will be much appreciated! Thanks! :)
    I will be sure to send some your way so the same doesn't happen to you!
    Fuel supply sent from my 0707 game... I'm afraid I already sent a lantern from my 1710 game but will revert to fuel supply tomorrow :)
    You're the best, Kirsty! Thanks!
    Becky - I'm launching GREEN approx 10 AM today Friday --- Bill
    I missed your launch. :(
    Maybe I can catch a ride on the next one?
    Hi Becky, thanks for all the gifts lately :) I'm just two defrosters off opening my 6th and final flight catering facility... Would you mind helping me out?
    Anything specific you would like or shall I just keep sending nav modules and flight catering?
    Defrosters on their way to you Kirsty! I can't visit your airport, but I hope the gifts get to you anyway.

    Whatever you send in return is just fine. My beckyp2 game needs all flight items.
    Hi becky things seem to be a little better for you now you are unblocked and can gift again. Would you mind sending some Alitmeters to Captain tneil i have a jumbo fleet and have run out. Also please send defrosters to Ne2 in anticipation of my flight catering facility, you are my gift master. If you need anything let me know Neil
    I am so happy to be able to accommodate your wishes, Neil! Altimeters and defrosters coming up! :)
    Becky surprise surprise I received a gift from yp2!!!!! What did you do??? Bill
    Altimeters would be good. I returned your altimeter gift did youreceive it. PS Welcome back - missed you ! LOL LOL LOL
    I am so glad my game is unblocked. I even joined a launch!! First time in 3 months.

    Bill, have you heard from Dee (Ducks) at all? I haven't heard anything in months.
    Becky - No Ihave no heard from Dee. I check her profile once and awhile and she has not visited for months. Bill
    Bill becky no way!!!!!!! My friends from the states we are in this together. It's been over a year bonds made. Keep going even if you restart. Everybody digs in Ne2 at level 25 already and captain tneil limping along with help too many to mention we can do it together, who needs GI Neil
    Neil and Bill - I don't know what to do! If I start my games over, I will lose all my friends anyway. And then GI could screw up those games too!! I can't stand not being able to send gifts to everyone.
    I guess i will spend all my greenies and contact GI again for the code they said they would give me to restore my progress and see what happens. I am probably going to lose you guys as neighbors. :( :(
    Hi Becky- I see that the update has not fixed the problem. I'm very upse! In fact, at the moment, I'm seriously thinking about stopping. I'm really upset that GI would take this action - whe they created the problem. Bill
    I feel the same way, Bill. I think I will delete my Android game and start another one (one more time!) before I give up all together.
    I downloaded TribeZ to get 10 greenies and I have been playing that. I should probably give up games all together, but I probably don't have the will power! :)
    Becky - I hear you. I've been playing for a year now! But I'm really thinking about stopping. I cannot add any more to my city. I have two open 3 X 3 blocks whick I may use for pyramids - but after that - SO WHAT ?????? Can't expand so why continue.
    Becky how close are you to a Green Launch? Let me know when you are ready! Bill
    I'm waiting for my capsule to return. Then I need to build a few items. If I were you I would not attempt a launch until you have enough to go it alone. Just in case it can't be seen. Best bet would be if I were to start a launch and then you could join. ?????
    It would be awesome if I could join a launch. So far I haven't had any avatars show up on the launch screen.

    And, you won't believe this, but a few days ago my greenie count on my Android game went from 14 to 2,014!!! I didn't do a thing. I dont know how it happened. I sure didnt purchase them. Now I'm wondering if GI thinks I cheated and blocked my Android game, too??? Oh, the unfairness of it all.....
    And by the way, thank you, Bill, for all of the gifts you have been sending to my games. I really appreciate it. If you haven't been receiving my gifts, I will be crushed.
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