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Windows - Weekly Trading Thread - July 18, 2016

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Captain WH Rollins

150+ Star Club
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  1. Windows PC
Captain WH Rollins
Good Evening Flyers (18.10pm GMT London)

Something very unusual has just happened which I have not come across before. I'm hoping someone could shed some light on this.

My red launch flight has completed its 15 minute flight and I've clicked on the round shuttle icon. Instead of the red flight landing, so I can collect 20,000 coins and 2 reward chest's, a message appeared on the screen (never seen this before), congratulating me on winning a basic blue hanger (the round shuttle icon is still on the screen with the word 'ready', it has not disappeared, as it normally does when clicked on).

At the bottom of the screen, away from my Airport City (the extreme edge of land where you move using your mouse) a square tab has appeared. You normally find it above an empty hangar, you normally clicked on it to purchase a plane.

I currently have 6 days and 14 hours to go before my Control Tower L9 building upgrade appears. I'm assuming this is the reason.

Captain WH Rollins
Good Evening Flyers (18.10pm GMT London)

Something very unusual has just happened which I have not come across before. I'm hoping someone could shed some light on this.

My red launch flight has completed its 15 minute flight and I've clicked on the round shuttle icon. Instead of the red flight landing, so I can collect 20,000 coins and 2 reward chest's, a message appeared on the screen (never seen this before), congratulating me on winning a basic blue hanger (the round shuttle icon is still on the screen with the word 'ready', it has not disappeared, as it normally does when clicked on).

At the bottom of the screen, away from my Airport City (the extreme edge of land where you move using your mouse) a square tab has appeared. You normally find it above an empty hangar, you normally clicked on it to purchase a plane.

I currently have 6 days and 14 hours to go before my Control Tower L9 building upgrade appears. I'm assuming this is the reason.

Captain WH Rollins
Wish I could help but this a new one on me, sorry!

Airport Arne

1000+ Star Club
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Arne /item
Does anyone knows the player "deOma"?! He is beating me in Singapure this week again, and he beat me in Sydney two weeks ago. The thing is, he is doing 100 flights in the last 24hours, on both destinations. Also, he is lvl 38 (he already was two weeks ago) but is doing 400-500flights a week, without leveling up? (he has another 250 in Sydney this week, too) Both Sydney and Singapure have the same amount of flights showing. Coincidence?
There is no fun in flying for first places if you have no chance in really getting it because of last minute "oops, I did 100 flights. beat you" :(

Captain WH Rollins

150+ Star Club
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  1. Windows PC
Captain WH Rollins
Wish I could help but this a new one on me, sorry!

Having just re-opened my game, the problem has now gone away. I was able to click and collect from my red launch - coins and chest's rewards. I've also completed a Water World Collection and a golden chest reward (my eighth rocket garden as well) with golden tokens to-boot, life can really be beautiful - thanks.

Captain WH Rollins
  1. Windows Mobile
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Does anyone knows the player "deOma"?! He is beating me in Singapure this week again, and he beat me in Sydney two weeks ago. The thing is, he is doing 100 flights in the last 24hours, on both destinations. Also, he is lvl 38 (he already was two weeks ago) but is doing 400-500flights a week, without leveling up? (he has another 250 in Sydney this week, too) Both Sydney and Singapure have the same amount of flights showing. Coincidence?
There is no fun in flying for first places if you have no chance in really getting it because of last minute "oops, I did 100 flights. beat you" :(
Does anyone knows the player "deOma"?! He is beating me in Singapure this week again, and he beat me in Sydney two weeks ago. The thing is, he is doing 100 flights in the last 24hours, on both destinations. Also, he is lvl 38 (he already was two weeks ago) but is doing 400-500flights a week, without leveling up? (he has another 250 in Sydney this week, too) Both Sydney and Singapure have the same amount of flights showing. Coincidence?
There is no fun in flying for first places if you have no chance in really getting it because of last minute "oops, I did 100 flights. beat you" :(
Srry don't know deOma, hey when ur saying Singapore, i m not flying there This week, it must be another destination as the Jet im able To fly? I mean i dont see your name in top rankings in "mine" singapore
Same for sydney? Honest i did not know i was able,to,fly 'till just now..its way down south!,
  1. Windows PC
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Good Afternoon Flyers (13.15pm GMT London)

My early morning neighbours plunder brought in 13,800 coins and 12 launch ready blue chests, of which just 6 (large fuel tank's x3, main stabilizer x2 and Powerful Explosive Bolt x1) were high valued resources. I've just finished gifting my 20 neighbours gifts for today, Sunday 24th July. My thanks for all the gifts received during the past few days.

@David Toad - gifted Cooling Chamber
@Harcourt - gifted Patrol Drone
@PeterNL - gifted Postal Drone

Control Tower L9 upgrade - 6 days and 18 hours to wait

Captain WH Rollins

Many thanks - just one more Cooling Chamber needed! Took me age to get Cooling Chambers earlier before I discovered how useful this group is. Spare Propeller sent in return.

  1. Windows Mobile
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Srry don't know deOma, hey when ur saying Singapore, i m not flying there This week, it must be another destination as the Jet im able To fly? I mean i dont see your name in top rankings in "mine" singapore
Same for sydney? Honest i did not know i was able,to,fly 'till just now..its way down south!,
Im still not sure @_@
Beer anyone
Erm what ranking excactly are You in Singapore, Arne?
  1. Windows Mobile
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Does anyone knows the player "deOma"?! He is beating me in Singapure this week again, and he beat me in Sydney two weeks ago. The thing is, he is doing 100 flights in the last 24hours, on both destinations. Also, he is lvl 38 (he already was two weeks ago) but is doing 400-500flights a week, without leveling up? (he has another 250 in Sydney this week, too) Both Sydney and Singapure have the same amount of flights showing. Coincidence?
There is no fun in flying for first places if you have no chance in really getting it because of last minute "oops, I did 100 flights. beat you" :(
Could u just ignore these notes from me plz? I guess i need glasses; singapure is something else as singapore, excuses
  1. Windows Mobile
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Could u just ignore these notes from me plz? I guess i need glasses; singapure is something else as singapore, excuses
But i think i know the feeling, am up against steve This week, i,am always betting to much horses as they say?
Anyway he beating me , at some destinations, i m above in one. I like these kinda battles,, giving up mi social life lol
here is my launch ready chest and coin take for my 3 games


  • launch2.jpg
    292.7 KB · Views: 102
  1. Windows Mobile
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This thread will last for one week. After that it will be closed and a new thread created.
Here i go (as planned) i can't resist(praying to close ranking any minute now):) i entered top tenLa (#sneaky)
  1. Windows Mobile
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I mean Singapore (it is Singapur in German). I am 2nd for that destination.
The funny thing is, I never see you as your name in any of the standings that you usually mention ;)
Well it is funny (ain't it funny) ..likewise...
Are we,ahead of a worldwide scoop here..hmz ... Need To,do someinvestigations into that right?
In between im writing down mine rankings: 396 alliance ( ..were on 302 minutes before closing);
Individual #2turkish coast
  1. Android
  2. Windows PC
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I stunk it up this week. I still need 1 Solar Cell, 3 Spaceship Launch Consoles, 3 Communication Antennae and 3 Laser Levels.
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