Welcome to Airport City!

AirportCityGame.com is the Number One place to be when it comes to the hit game Airport City!

Real time chat to other players, trade items together, complete space missions, form & arrange alliances and much much more. It's all here at AirportCityGame.com

Welcome to the new look forum!

I had to do the update a little quicker then I wanted because the last forum was getting quite a lot of spam bots signing up! This new software has some great security that should hopefully prevent then from joining!

One small downside to the migration was that everyone lost their avatars, so im afraid you will have to reupload them.

Anyway, I hope people like the new look forum and if you have any problems, questions or suggestions, please let me know!
Thanks for your work. The new look is very nice indeed.The only problem I came about is the new font, that is used everywhere. It looks very raw, even when I am using spatial antialiasing. Is there a way to install a second theme (same design) but just with another font? I am experiencing this problem everywhere in the forum, except when using a textbox for replying to a thread, editing a thread or composing a new thread.
I saw, that I am allowed to upload a screenshot, so I attached one herein to show you my problem.

Ok, the image is automatically compressed by the forum software itself, so I put it into a zip-file, so you can see the original image.


  • 2012-05-09_122019_fontproblem.zip
    146.7 KB · Views: 173
Dave, thanks for having a look. I really appreciate your help and devotion!

I am experiencing this problem with the following browsers:
Mozilla Firefox 3.6.28
Google Chrome 14.0.835.163

Internet Explorer 8.06 seems to use another way of spatial antialiasing, here the font is looking good. But I don't use IE at all. :(

I will test the forum later at another computer to see if the problem depends on the operating system, which is now Windows XP and later is Windows 7.
The font looks very decent using Windows7, not matter what browser (FF, Chrome, IE) I tested. The reason for this should be the fact, that Win7 uses another method for spatial antialiasing than WinXP. It just mysterious, because I never experienced any problems like this on that XP computer and I use it for a lot of browsing on different sites. I will look into that tomorrow. Thanks for now.
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