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Android Voyage Voyage 2013 bugs

New update, new bugs. List them here.
  1. Pop up Windows (Neighbours screen, My Flights screen etc) are huge on my Samsung Tab.

    Some people may prefer large fonts, but this is ridiculously huge. The problem is, I can't use Fuel Catalysts now as the Fuel Catalyst window overshoots the screen and it can't scroll down!

    Those of you who are doing the Greek Temple / Stonehenge / Pyramid runs should avoid upgrading as you won't be able to use Fuel Catalyst.

  2. Menus disappear after visiting neighbours & Visitors 5 clicks only appear once

    This problem not solved in this update
So far no major damage for my device.
  1. Android
Friend Code
lister:Item needed
Thanks for the heads up Bali Hi, save up loads of fuel catalyst for exactly that reason so I won't be updating. Is there anything new? (I know there's the recycled mission but that can be done without the update anyway)
There are 6 new collections, but no idea how they could be collected? There are no new destinations revealed yet.

As Bali2 has not completed Voyage Voyage's 3 tasks: (i) the Czar Regalia (St Peterburg), (ii) Far Side of The World (Barcelona) and (iii) Sin City (Las Vegas), I'm not sure whether the new destinations will appear after that.

Maybe someone else can add the information.
  1. Android
Friend Code
04m479so + almjced + aaa3pr1 + 0400ag7m
vayka1 + noya12 + ayon1 + kaito1
My NOYA12 game has exactly the same tasks for Voyage, Voyage as Bali2 has, flying to St. Petersburg, Barcelona and Las Vegas. Also have the 6 new collections, but i can't find the destinations either.
On the other hand, i've updated my VAYKA1 game also, but i don't have the 3 tasks to complete in 14 days, maybe you don't get it when you finished it earlier. Also this game has the new collections but also no new destinations to fly to.
Further, i agree with Bali Hi, for the large pop-up windows on the screen, i also use a Samsung Tab2.
Gi has screwed up again with this update, but that's old news (sighhhhhhhh!!!!!)


Details form the Facebook version : https://www.facebook.com/AirportCityFreeToFly
You get 1 random map for each 1st place in a prometheus launch.
The 5 collection u get flying from 5 diferent locations(Nagoya, Miami, Alexandria, Puerto Rico, and Sacramento).
The last collection is like the Sky Captain(u need the 5 collectble item from the other collections).
As reward You get the Space Needle Tower, and a Quantum Leap(launch 90% faster).
  1. Android
Friend Code
Wport-(item i need)
There are 6 new collections, but no idea how they could be collected? There are no new destinations revealed yet.

As Bali2 has not completed Voyage Voyage's 3 tasks: (i) the Czar Regalia (St Peterburg), (ii) Far Side of The World (Barcelona) and (iii) Sin City (Las Vegas), I'm not sure whether the new destinations will appear after that.

Maybe someone else can add the information.

I just completed a launch and received a map to one of the destinations for the new collections.. So I think by completing space launches you'll get the maps you need.

Edit: Ah.. see the post above for more info ;)


600+ Star Club
  1. Android
Javi+ items needed
Maybe the best is to do these 4 collections to Sp petersburg, Barcelona and Las Vegas before upgrading and thus avoid the bug with fuel catalyst.
In the other hand after the upgrade the drop rate is better ( seldom)

for the launch, I am wondering who is going to help now? every one want to be first.
If someone want to be second please tag me I will initiate a lauch.;)


1000+ Star Club
VIP Flyer
  1. Android
sari, sari2, sari3
Details form the Facebook version : https://www.facebook.com/AirportCityFreeToFly
You get 1 random map for each 1st place in a prometheus launch.
The 5 collection u get flying from 5 diferent locations(Nagoya, Miami, Alexandria, Puerto Rico, and Sacramento).
The last collection is like the Sky Captain(u need the 5 collectble item from the other collections).
As reward You get the Space Needle Tower, and a Quantum Leap(launch 90% faster).
Today, I just received one map from finished launch. The map to Puerto Rico. This map active for 12.5 hours :eek:
I have not started this flight yet, I must collect more fuels.


600+ Star Club
  1. Android
Javi+ items needed
Today, I just received one map from finished launch. The map to Puerto Rico. This map active for 12.5 hours :eek:
I have not started this flight yet, I must collect more fuels.
You mean 12 hour when you start to use it or 12 hours after the landing?
In both cases, it seems complicate. I am expecting my first map in 5 hours. I will start to save fuel.;)
  1. Android
Friend Code
According to fuel catalyst BUG here is an answer from GIS:

Sophie Bykowski, Aug 19 10:16 (MSK):
Thank you for reporting this matter and providing me with the details requested!
Our engineers have been informed and are taking necessary measures to troubleshoot the problem. Anticipating your question on the time when the issue is completely resolved I would like to let you know that it is expected to be eliminated in the upcoming update.
As a note, I am going to mark the request as "solved" to avoid sending you system reminders asking to update the request. As mentioned above, fixing the issue is in the process, and it might take us some time to test the new version and make it available for you. Please, keep it in mind and check for the updates uploaded.

I don't want to ask you how many times you have heard that the problems will be solved in the next update ;)
  1. Android
  2. iPad
  3. iPhone
Iphone: Jpjpjp999; Ipad: Jpjpjp4; Android: Jpjpjp2
When I open my android I find the message that the game made a forced close. First I thought it had capacity problems with The tribez running, but after deinstaling that the problem stays, even got bigger.... A sign for more trouble?
  1. Android
Friend Code
When I open my android I find the message that the game made a forced close. First I thought it had capacity problems with The tribez running, but after deinstaling that the problem stays, even got bigger.... A sign for more trouble?
Yes , my game have a same problem today , when start game have same screen or game start and closed in 2 minutes , all last gifts and progress lost :mad: .Last couple of hours game work normally, knock off wood
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