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Tuesday 3rd September 2013 - Android Daily Trading Thread

Gt city

1000+ Star Club
VIP Flyer
  1. Android
  2. iPad
Friend Code
Gt city 5 | Gt city 3
To make the trading experience as easy as possible, please post the following details in your post and in your signature:

Username/Friend Code
In-Game Name
Items Required
Items You Can Send

If you already have these details in your signature, please feel free to post "See Signature" or copy and paste your signature into the post.

This thread will last for 24 hours. After that it will be closed and a new thread created.
  1. Android
Friend Code
vakuu + *items needed*
Hi everyone,

My issue is still active.
If I can count of yours good will, I'll be appreciate for any gifts.
Hope my problem will be solved soon.

Thx in advance.
  1. Android
Friend Code
lp87 - what i need
Good morning

lpey87 gave up with drill machine. Need textbooks, binoculars and weather board for control tower level 3.
vakuu : sent you deicer (i think...)

  1. Android
Friend Code
Username: sergeant
Usercode: akgoqpc
Level: 40
Stars: 120
Hearts: 8
Good day everybody.I want to say thanks to all of my neighbors for gifts you send to me over weekend (y) . Special thanks vayka1 for Wall Speakers , @Bali Hi and Cassie for Parking meters . I will send my gifts afternoon today, returning gifts according to our in -game signature, if not available- from forum signature. Signature updated : I need some gyroscopes , fuel and Jumbo flight items
Good morning

lpey87 gave up with drill machine. Need textbooks, binoculars and weather board for control tower level 3.
vakuu : sent you deicer (i think...)


lp87, flip123 also requested a drill machine for her fp1 game. I tried to send it from Bali131, but it also did not get through :(.

Isn't there anyone on the forum who could help out lpey87 and fp1? Surely there must be someone with a game who can gift drill machines?
I know flip123 will make it worth your while!

Let's help out our forum members!

Helen Elizabeth

Top Poster Of The Month
  1. Android
  2. iPad
Friend Code
Happy Helen
lp87, flip123 also requested a drill machine for her fp1 game. I tried to send it from Bali131, but it also did not get through :(.

Isn't there anyone on the forum who could help out lpey87 and fp1? Surely there must be someone with a game who can gift drill machines?
I know flip123 will make it worth your while!

Let's help out our forum members!
Bali Hi

I know this problem well with the drill machine!
I can gift drill machine but it won't cross platforms from iPad to phone.
I gifted every day to HH2, mostly the gift just never arrived, once it arrived as passengers.

The item did eventually drop, either be patient or read neighbours signatures who are on android and can gift DM.

Hope this helps ( sort of! )
  1. Android
  2. iPad
  3. iPhone
Iphone: Jpjpjp999; Ipad: Jpjpjp4; Android: Jpjpjp2
lp87, flip123 also requested a drill machine for her fp1 game. I tried to send it from Bali131, but it also did not get through :(.

Isn't there anyone on the forum who could help out lpey87 and fp1? Surely there must be someone with a game who can gift drill machines?
I know flip123 will make it worth your while!

Let's help out our forum members!
Haha Bali Hi, Thank you for the last sentence. Let's see how it goes when the children are born (if I still have time to play at all)
Advantage will be, I will be a lot awake during the nights (even more then now)
  1. Android
Friend Code
04m479so + almjced + aaa3pr1 + 0400ag7m
vayka1 + noya12 + ayon1 + kaito1
Hi all,
Thanks for the gifts NOYA12 received today..........and they are send out again.
Fuel (20) is still in need, thanks in advance
Thnks for your gifts! My gifts just went out a moment ago and my signature has been upated to reflect the current priorities. There are several neighbors I couldn't return gifts to due to 20-gift limit, will return to you tomorrow.

I continue reqeusting Fuel (20) if you can help, thanks!

Polar: thanks for the Flight Catering, sent you Spaceship Launch Console.
perezgreg: thanks for the Oscillating Beacon and Lining Plate, sent you Oscillating Beacon to your PG2 game.
stevel2606: thanks for the Flight Catering, sent you Flight Catering.
chirimoya: thanks for the Spare Propeller, sent you Spare Propeller.
Toertchen: thanks for the Flight Catering, sent you Whiteboard.
Bali Hi: thanks for the Fuel (20), sent you Flight Catering to your Bali131 game.
Sutekh: thanks for the Fuel Hose, sent you Fuel Hose.
One Bad Day: thanks for the Fuel (20), sent you Fuel (20).
Doune: thanks for the Flight Catering, sent you Video Board.
Lukasz: thanks for the Flight Catering, sent you Fuel (20).
melony: thanks for the Bench, sent you Fuel (20). I would rather to receive Fuel (20) from you as you are one of very few can send Fuel (20), thanks!
TSharper: thanks for the Aircraft Tire, sent you Fuel (20).
Gt city: thanks for the Bench, sent you Oscillating Beacon to your Gt city 3 game.
kitkitkit: thanks for the Flighyt Catering, sent you Flight Catering.
Nina: thanks for the Fuel (20) from your Tign game, sent Cash Counter to Tign game.
Donclyde: thanks for the Fuel (20), sent you Fuel (20).
Kitty: thanks for the Flight Catering, sent you Fuel (20).
rickycowslip: thanks for the Fuel (20), sent you Disposable Shampoo.
javi: thanks for the Flight Catering and Fuel (20), sent you Fuel (20).
Beer Baron: thanks for the Flight Catering and Deicer, sent you Flight Catering.
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