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Thursday 4th April 2013 - Android Daily Trading Thread

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  1. Android
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air canillas
Thanks for your gifts and my gifts just went out a moment ago! My signature has been updated.

tdv: wow again! thanks for the loads of Fuel (20), Aircraft Tires, and Passenger Seats you sent since yesterday, they further restored my stock, appreciate all your help as always!!
zenmie: thanks for the Flight Catering, sent you Flight Catering.
valestij: thanks for the Landing Gear althoguh I don't need it, please do not waste your limited gift resources, also I don't see a post from you since March 13 and your signature haven't been updated for months now, not sure what you need, will check your post again later.
Shinobi273: thanks for the Spare Propeller, sent you Spare Propeller.
Jonathan Godinez: thanks for the Flight Catering, sent you Flight Catering.
flip123: thanks for the Flight Catering and Eau de Toilette, sent you Flight Catering.
CK-Airport: thanks for the Flight Catering, sent you Flight Catering.
bubbajed5711: thanks for the Spare Propeller, sent you Spare Propeller.
pienicki: thanks for the Flight Catering, sent you Spare Propeller.
Stabekk: thanks for the Spare Propeller, sent you Spare Propeller.
notch: thanks for the Oscillating Beacon, sent you Oscillating Beacon.
al862: thanks for Fuel Hose, I don't see a post from you sine Nov 30 last year, not sure what you need now or if you will join the current mission, will check your post again later.
knpl: thanks for the Flight Catering, sent you Flight Catering.
BirdEyes: thanks for the Flight Catering, sent you Flight Catering.
air canillas: thanks for the Flight Catering, sent you Spare Propeller.
One Bad Day: thanks for the Flight Catering, sent you Flight Catering.
I Fly 2: thanks for the Flight Catering, sent you Fuel Hose.
  1. Android
Friend Code
Hello neighbors. Thanks again for you gifts. Sent out my gifts late last night because the gift cycle did not reset until 11:30pm. It seems the gift cycle is getting later by 2 hours every week.

Anyway once again I only got 2 drop again this time both from my market and none from my neighbors. My score is 3-0-3-4-2
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