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- Iphone: Jpjpjp999; Ipad: Jpjpjp4; Android: Jpjpjp2
Hi tdv, so I understand correctly, during the total quest (small quests) do you need 1 or 2 level 1 launches before I can launch a level 2 launch?Suresh - as Bali Hi said - but also after you have completed all the required items for the Prometheus spaceship - you have to do a launch from LP1 1st - wait for it to return then you can launch from LP2 - hence the reason not too wait till almost the last day to complete the promo - as the LP1 lander takes 24hrs to return then you have to launch LP2 spaceship...
So I have launched ones so I can fly for the consoles. Do I need a second level 1 launch before I can do the level 2 launch? I hope not....