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General Re Adding Neighbors after restore (transfer)

After Restore (transfer) of my main game Mo1 i lost all neighbors
I have been sending lots of request to my previouce neighbors and still am missing lots of them
if you where once neighbors with me (ore a forummember wishing to become one)

feel free to send a request to my newly restored game Mo1 code= 203006rf

my other 2 games with 6 planetariums and other key buildings
Mo2=20dbnfe4 mo3=20tdm27lp

please post in this thread ore tagg me if you send me a request as a new neighbor
1 because i only accept forummembers
2 so i can find you in the many random request i daily receive .

thanks and good day(night)
Mo Elbo
I sent a request to Mo1 and Mo3. I already have your active Mo2.
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