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Platform and Runway suggestion

  1. Android
Friend Code
Considering the following situation:
Both your runways are at the same level in which you can accept all planes for your level. Say for example both runways level 4 and you can land up to Raven planes.

When you have 2 of your platforms filled with a guest Raven plane in each and you accept their rewards right after each other, the first accepted always choses the runway closest to your platforms, blocking the access to the second runway for the other plane. Even though it could use both runways, since they are level 4 in the example situation.

My suggestion for this is that the plane that is leaving the platform first, should always check the second runway first to see if it can take off on it. This should prevent the second plane from being blocked, which is now waiting for runway 2 in the current version of the game.
This is of course not possible if it can only take runway 1 due to level requirements, or if it's occupied landing a different plane.

Same goes for the choice of platform, they always fill from the right to the left, blocking new planes that are landing when leaving the platform, even though all others are for example free.

My suggestion for the platforms are filled from left to right.
When there are platforms available on the left, planes that want to leave the platform should wait for the planes that have already left the runway, and are on its way to a free platform.

They don't have to wait for planes that are waiting at the end of a runway because all platforms are occupied or when they are still busy landing on the runway.
Considering the following situation:
Both your runways are at the same level in which you can accept all planes for your level. Say for example both runways level 4 and you can land up to Raven planes.

When you have 2 of your platforms filled with a guest Raven plane in each and you accept their rewards right after each other, the first accepted always choses the runway closest to your platforms, blocking the access to the second runway for the other plane. Even though it could use both runways, since they are level 4 in the example situation.

My suggestion for this is that the plane that is leaving the platform first, should always check the second runway first to see if it can take off on it. This should prevent the second plane from being blocked, which is now waiting for runway 2 in the current version of the game.
This is of course not possible if it can only take runway 1 due to level requirements, or if it's occupied landing a different plane.

Same goes for the choice of platform, they always fill from the right to the left, blocking new planes that are landing when leaving the platform, even though all others are for example free.

My suggestion for the platforms are filled from left to right.
When there are platforms available on the left, planes that want to leave the platform should wait for the planes that have already left the runway, and are on its way to a free platform.

They don't have to wait for planes that are waiting at the end of a runway because all platforms are occupied or when they are still busy landing on the runway.
Good suggestions. There are many improvements that could be made in the way the aircraft use the runways. Eg. an owl only needs a short distance to take off, so using the full length of the runway isn’t required. An intersection departure (where the aircraft enters the runway at an intermediate point) could be used when an owl is taxiing directly behind a giant. The giant might need to use the whole runway and taxi all the way to the end, whereas the owl could enter 2/3 down, take off and be away before the giant lines up.

in the meantime, I’d be happy just to NOT see certain things happening, like aircraft being pushed back straight on top of another one waIting to park 😩.


1100+ Star Club
  1. iPad
Friend Code
Well if you wanted to get really realistic then having an Owl take off after a Giant may need a longer delay due to wake turbulence. ;) I would agree though that tweaking the animations some would be fun to see, such as intersection departures. Why not, they already turn off without using the full length.
I thought of this too but planes don't do this on real runways, no? Manually selecting the runway for departure might cure much of this if the AI can accept the input. Having the same level runways later on I don't recall this being as big of a deal but then mine were usually offset.

The opposite angled crossed connections I don't understand ( unless at one time planes landed from opposite way?) and even encountered a land-locked type issue where could land planes but not take off because of having one runway much higher of a level than the other and the diag one cutting the lesser one off.
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Cosmic Blue

VIP Flyer
  1. Windows PC
yarcb (windows pc)
I thought of this too but planes don't do this on real runways, no? Manually selecting the runway for departure might cure much of this if the AI can accept the input. Having the same level runways later on I don't recall this being as big of a deal but then mine were usually offset.

The opposite angled crossed connections I don't understand ( unless at one time planes landed from opposite way?) and even encountered a land-locked type issue where could land planes but not take off because of having one runway much higher of a level than the other and the diag one cutting the lesser one off.
airplanes use both ends of the runway depending on the wind direction that is why they are usually number R=Right L=left. so that they can use either end of the runway.
So you are saying that planes can land from the right? I have never seen this if so; Mine always land from the left side.
No, Cosmic is saying that in real life planes can use runways on either direction, depending on the wind. In AC, they always land left to right
airplanes use both ends of the runway depending on the wind direction that is why they are usually number R=Right L=left. so that they can use either end of the runway.
Is R and L not used if you have multiple runways using same "direction"?
The number on the runway would indicate its direction for landing/takeoff.
A Runway with the number 2 at one end, would have 20 at the other end.
Not 2R at one side and 2L at the other.


1000+ Star Club
Supernovas/Chanel Royal Air Alliance
  1. Android
Friend Code
I think filling the gates from left to right is an excellent idea. Maybe what can clear this all up is to have the closest runway handle all takeoffs, while the farthest runway handles all landings. That is usually how it's done in real life, and it would allow for continuous flow. Maybe they should make it 4 runways instead of 2, split between incoming and outgoing aircraft. That would be a compromise between the current version and v6


700+ Star Club
Musketeers Alliance
But filling the Stands from left to right would be a bit against the logic of the game, as you build your Terminal from right to left. So planes would then park first there where is no infrastructure in place, which is not realistic. Logic for arriving planes should always be like:
1) Stand with Jetway available? (if needed)
2) Stand with Terminal Section in front available?
3) If both not available then other open Stand, preferred close to build infrastructure

But Intersection Takeoffs would be nice and also happens in real life, no need for example for a Swift or Owl to Taxi-Back to the end of a Lvl 9 runway.


1000+ Star Club
Supernovas/Chanel Royal Air Alliance
  1. Android
Friend Code
But filling the Stands from left to right would be a bit against the logic of the game, as you build your Terminal from right to left. So planes would then park first there where is no infrastructure in place, which is not realistic. Logic for arriving planes should always be like:
1) Stand with Jetway available? (if needed)
2) Stand with Terminal Section in front available?
3) If both not available then other open Stand, preferred close to build infrastructure

But Intersection Takeoffs would be nice and also happens in real life, no need for example for a Swift or Owl to Taxi-Back to the end of a Lvl 9 runway.
It can still work from left to right. The same way how the game knows that it can't go all the way left when all the stands have not been unlocked, it can simply be programmed to fill the farthest left available stand first.


500+ Star Club
VIP Flyer
  1. Android
  2. Windows PC
Friend Code
PLMerry [what I need], PLM2, & PLM3
Is R and L not used if you have multiple runways using same "direction"?
The number on the runway would indicate its direction for landing/takeoff.
A Runway with the number 2 at one end, would have 20 at the other end.
Not 2R at one side and 2L at the other.
The opposite end of 2R would be 20L & 2L would be 20R. In real life one would be for landing and the other for take offs depending on wind direction.

It can still work from left to right. The same way how the game knows that it can't go all the way left when all the stands have not been unlocked, it can simply be programmed to fill the farthest left available stand first.
If you want real life, each flight would have an assigned platform/gate that is designed for that size plane*, but then how would guest planes be handled? Maybe a second terminal (G) for guest planes and people could land as many guest planes as there are gates at Terminal G.

*Imagine the uproar if stands could only service specific plane types like helicopters. [I shutter even putting this in type.]
Parallel runways don’t necessarily operate one for landings and one for departures - that’s very airport specific and traffic dependant. Early morning departure bursts might use both for departures and squeeze a few arrivals in where they can. Some airports will try to land aircraft on a runway which will minimise taxi congestion.
For those that haven’t picked it up or are unaware, the runway numbers are based primarily on compass direction (001-360 degrees with the last digit removed ie. if the runway heading is 343 degrees, it is usually designated R34. Landing from the other end, the heading would be 163 degrees and would be named R16).
Parallel runways will have the addition of L and R, so 34R would have 16L at the other end. In some places you might also find a 34C and 16C where three runways are in parallel (C=centre).
AC hasn’t followed normal protocols simply because it only uses one airport and aircraft only land/depart in one direction. The runway numbers have nothing to do with the direction and are numbered purely on the runway “level”.
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1100+ Star Club
  1. iPad
Friend Code
If you really want to get anal, how about working papi lights? LOL. On the other hand, can we also thank them for how much they got right? The animations are beautiful and in every way superior to what we had before. Yes, there are some glitches that result in planes overlapping now and then, but I also look at how each plane has its own acceleration curve and turnoff point, the changes to the runway lights to show all 3 modes of use, etc. The add in the cute ground vehicle operations. Even the Owl will show its props spinning down to stop after it lands. Lots of little details that all take a lot of attention to detail and are hard to animate.

So while there are always ways to increase the accuracy, they have captured many of the aspects in a way that is not overly complex yet still a marvel to watch each time.

Yes, I'm an unapologetic avgeek and student pilot so maybe that's part of my cupcaking all over this too. 🤗

If you really want to get anal, how about working papi lights? LOL. On the other hand, can we also thank them for how much they got right? The animations are beautiful and in every way superior to what we had before. Yes, there are some glitches that result in planes overlapping now and then, but I also look at how each plane has its own acceleration curve and turnoff point, the changes to the runway lights to show all 3 modes of use, etc. The add in the cute ground vehicle operations. Even the Owl will show its props spinning down to stop after it lands. Lots of little details that all take a lot of attention to detail and are hard to animate.

So while there are always ways to increase the accuracy, they have captured many of the aspects in a way that is not overly complex yet still a marvel to watch each time.

Yes, I'm an unapologetic avgeek and student pilot so maybe that's part of my cupcaking all over this too. 🤗

Pilot and ex ATC here, and we use the descriptor “aerosexual” 🤪😉.
@Nayeon , you’re bringing my avnerd skeleton out of the closet, here 🤣.

For those that are wondering why I used the wording “primarily based on runway heading”, it’s because there are some variations. LAX and Orlando are two examples of airports that run 4 parallel runways. To avoid confusion, one of the runway pairs will take on the heading +/- 10 degrees. (eg. Orlando has 36L&R and 35L&R). Another exception might be when two airports are in close vicinity of each other and they use +/-10 for one of the runways to (attempt to) avoid any confusion with pilots lining up to land on the wrong runway 😳.
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