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iOS New Player Need advice to get out of mess

  1. iPad
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Game Id: 0314gp8nl

I need advice to help me get out of a mess. I’ve been playing for a few days And I seem to be in a pickle. Im currently level 13: Tower is level 2, town hall level 3. I can’t add commercial buildings to available land on city side since I don’t have population room. I can’t afford to upgrade town hall. I can’t expand (purchase land) on airport side since I can’t afford the 15,000 coins or green bucks required. I have 3 helipads, I had added 2 yesterday along with 2 helicopters only to have 2 helicopters needing repairs 25 minutes later and the 3rd needing repairs hours later. I can’t afford to purchase land to build Repair Base H. I leveled up to level 13 and now most “guest” planes can‘t land on my runways. I purchased the $.99 pack that gave a faster propellor plane but I sold it to get my third owl, thinking I could get it back. Sadly, it appears, I cannot. I’ve been requesting to join alliances for 36 hours and no one accepts. I play daily.
so in short:
-I can’t afford to build commercial buildings on available land due to lack of population
-I cannot purchase land, especially on airport side because I do not have the coins or bucks
-I cannot build repair base H because I can’t purchase land
-I cannot repair all 3 helicopters because I cannot build repair base H because I cannot afford to buy land

lastly, I wanted to play on 2 different devices, iPad and iPhone. Both are linked to Facebook. Both show same ID. One has my game at level 13 which I listed above. The other device has the game at level 7, which has my aerobatic plane and at the earlier level, doesn't have the mistakes I’ve made on the level 13 game. How do I get The devices to sync, which should I use, how do I use one or the other without the (non preferred game) become the main game once devices sync?

im open to all kinds of advice, please help
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350+ Star Club
  1. iPhone
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Bertus ZA
Hi, some comments, maybe not all suitable for your situation.

Hold off on flying the heli’s - they are not that profitable, not saying they are not useful.

Spend some time visiting your commercials and harvesting coins - it’s the best way to start clawing out of trouble.

This is a long term game, so don’t fret about short term setbacks.

Don’t spend Green’s on land if you can buy the land with coins - even if you have to save coins for 50 days before you can afford it.

I know you are new to the game, so you need to figure out your style of play still and short medium and long term targets.


350+ Star Club
  1. iPhone
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Bertus ZA
Having looked at your airport - you can purchase eateries for now. They provide coin quickly, but small amounts - however coins per hour of play is very high

Keep your helis and build the repair facility - try and fly Yellowstone as much as you can , it will be labour intensive, but you shouldn’t make a loss - and if your plane breaks down, wait for it to repair rather than use parts.
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Game Id: 0314gp8nl

lastly, I wanted to play on 2 different devices, iPad and iPhone. Both are linked to Facebook. Both show same ID. One has my game at level 13 which I listed above. The other device has the game at level 7, which has my aerobatic plane and at the earlier level, doesn't have the mistakes I’ve made on the level 13 game. How do I get The devices to sync, which should I use, how do I use one or the other without the (non preferred game) become the main game once devices sync?

im open to all kinds of advice, please help
First and immediately STOP playing on 2 machines with the same game code. Its not allowed and you'll find yourself blocked to add to your dilemma. You need to change the game code linked to one of them so they are 2 seperate games. Then you have a main game and a support game. Can send yourself extra gifts.


1000+ Star Club
All New Tadashi
Just as Madge said. You cannot have two games on the same apple account. If you want two games, you need to change or create new apple ID for your second device. If you continue to play like you mention, you will be blocked.
I understand it may not be convenient. If you don't like it, play only on one device.

As for money, you can land guest planes. If you don't have runway, you can refuse to land the plane and wait for another.
  1. iPad
Friend Code
First and immediately STOP playing on 2 machines with the same game code. Its not allowed and you'll find yourself blocked to add to your dilemma. You need to change the game code linked to one of them so they are 2 seperate games. Then you have a main game and a support game. Can send yourself extra gifts.
It’s not possible to play 1 game on multiple devices? I want 1 game but to be able to use my phone when im not at home and my iPad at home
It’s not possible to play 1 game on multiple devices? I want 1 game but to be able to use my phone when im not at home and my iPad at home
You cant. Its 1 game 1 device. Period. Continue you will get blocked. Its in the terms and conditions. HAve 2 games. It can be fun sending yourself gifts. 2 x the neighbours, get them to gift to your main game., twice as many gifts!!
People need to start getting the advice about iOS right. You CAN use the same Apple ID across multiple devices. You cannot have one game jumping back and forth or syncing across devices- that is correct. One game, one device. With iOS, however, your games must have different GAME CENTRE IDs.
This is where it gets a bit fiddly. I run 6 iOS devices which are all on the same Apple ID. If you want to be able to use just one Apple ID for purchases and/or want to use other apps which sync across devices, then having the same Apple ID is a must.

So how can you have different GC IDs? You will, in fact need to create a different Apple Id but it will only be used temporarily. It’s always a good idea to keep a record of which ID has been used on each device. Game Centre takes its data from the currently installed Apple ID. Obviously, if you’re using only 2 devices, one doesn’t need to change. The first thing is to creat or install a new Apple ID on the second device. Then go into GC and set up the profile- it will setup based on the installed Apple ID details. Once you have finished setting up Game Centre, you can log the Apple ID out and log back in with your original Apple ID. That’s it - same Apple ID on both devices but different GC IDs .- don’t start fiddling with GC on the second device now. If you stuff things up, it’ll link back up to the current AppleID and you have to start all over again.
  1. iPad
Friend Code
Thank you all for your advice and warnings about playing same game on 2 devices. I’ve also received word from customer service, what I wanted to do, cannot be done. I got out of my pickle by deleting the app on the device that showed the level 13 game, reinstalled it and when prompted I chose the level 7 game to continue. I’m only playing on one device moving forward.
with that being said.., I’ll gladly take additional advice and guidance since I’m new. Thank you
i do know there is a ton of valuable information already mentioned on this forum, but as may of you know, locating it, especially for someone new, is extremely difficul. If you would be so kind, to post additional tips on here for me.
my current level is 10. Control tower, terminal and town hall are level 2, I have 3 stands, One helipad and 6 car dealerships.
my initial thought for the short term was to: upgrade town hall 1st, buy land on city side second, purchase up to 6 bowling ally’s Third depending upon population, if population allows additinal commercial buildings id purchase more land and up to 6 hotels, next I’d upgrade control tower, next terminal and then my 4th stand. If population doesn’t allow I skip the commercial building plans. in betweeen all this I plan on concerting 5 power plants to wind turbines.
am I on the rigt track?
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Thank you all for your advice and warnings about playing same game on 2 devices. I’ve also received word from customer service, what I wanted to do, cannot be done. I got out of my pickle by deleting the app on the device that showed the level 13 game, reinstalled it and when prompted I chose the level 7 game to continue. I’m only playing on one device moving forward.
with that being said.., I’ll gladly take additional advice and guidance since I’m new. Thank you
i do know there is a ton of valuable information already mentioned on this forum, but as may of you know, locating it, especially for someone new, is extremely difficul. If you would be so kind, to post additional tips on here for me.
my current level is 10. Control tower, terminal and town hall are level 2, I have 3 stands, One helipad and 6 car dealerships.
my initial thought for the short term was to: upgrade town hall 1st, buy land on city side second, purchase up to 6 bowling ally’s Third depending upon population, if population allows additinal commercial buildings id purchase more land and up to 6 hotels, next I’d upgrade control tower, next terminal and then my 4th stand. If population doesn’t allow I skip the commercial building plans. in betweeen all this I plan on concerting 5 power plants to wind turbines.
am I on the rigt track?
Keep on reading :). Ask plenty of questions, the majority in here are always happy to help. I do advise, :stop: picking the key words from any question and running them through the “search” above first, though. If it’s something that’s really obvious and been posted over and over, you may see a :facepalm: sarcastic clip or two as responses (I can’t deny it may even be me :bag::hungry:).
Offering broad advice is not as simple as it sounds. There’ll be more posts in here soon, no doubt, but the game has so many aspects of play and so many paths to take, it’s really up to the individual to try things out and work out your favourite parts. It’s a bit like someone having an open ticket to travel the world, a pocket full of cash and asking, “where’s a good place to eat?”. FWIW, I wouldn’t go to Maccas and I wouldn’t buy a duty free shop 🤣.
  1. iPad
Friend Code
Keep on reading :). Ask plenty of questions, the majority in here are always happy to help. I do advise, :stop: picking the key words from any question and running them through the “search” above first, though. If it’s something that’s really obvious and been posted over and over, you may see a :facepalm: sarcastic clip or two as responses (I can’t deny it may even be me :bag::hungry:).
Offering broad advice is not as simple as it sounds. There’ll be more posts in here soon, no doubt, but the game has so many aspects of play and so many paths to take, it’s really up to the individual to try things out and work out your favourite parts. It’s a bit like someone having an open ticket to travel the world, a pocket full of cash and asking, “where’s a good place to eat?”. FWIW, I wouldn’t go to Maccas and I wouldn’t buy a duty free shop 🤣.
Thank you for your advice. There are many aspects of game as I’ve been reading in forum. Aspects I haven’t even looked into yet like launches.... not sure when /where to start with those as well LOL
what Other buildings besides planetariums that drop items for collections?
Thank you for your advice. There are many aspects of game as I’ve been reading in forum. Aspects I haven’t even looked into yet like launches.... not sure when /where to start with those as well LOL
what Other buildings besides planetariums that drop items for collections?
Stone castles are a good one to start with, but cost greens. Read Capt. Rollins guides they will help you.


Wiki Editor
  1. Android
Friend Code
Hi @Craw , welcome to the game and forum :) Looked through your post and city and thought i can offer a few tips:

-I leveled up to level 13 and now most “guest” planes can‘t land on my runways.
It's alright to reject guest planes. For a start, only build the runways that you need for your own flights. For instance if you're flying owls then keep them to level 2.

-I’ve been requesting to join alliances for 36 hours and no one accepts.
Saw that you went to look for alliances in the forum section. That's the way to go. Don't be disheartened if no decent alliance accepts you early on, as most require members to fulfill certain number of pax or alliance tasks per week. Suggest that you read up on how weekly tasks work. (https://www.airportcitygame.com/thr...o-join-a-members-alliance-group-v7-8-2.19174/)

-I can’t afford to build commercial buildings on available land due to lack of population
It's important to upgrade town hall in the early levels. Focus on commercial buildings that are consistent with your playing pattern through the day. For instance an eatery produces 1 coin every 30 seconds, while a pharmacy produces 19 coins every hour, and both are 1x1 buildings. If you can stay on the game and click continuously through the day, go with the eatery as it produces 120 coins per hour compared to the 19 of pharmacy. But if you only log in once per hour, definitely go with the pharmacy.

-I cannot purchase land, especially on airport side because I do not have the coins or bucks
FYI the cost of land is the same on both city and airport side. The only thing that raises the cost is the number of expansion.

-I cannot build repair base H because I can’t purchase land
-I cannot repair all 3 helicopters because I cannot build repair base H because I cannot afford to buy land
Don't do helis early in the game.

-what Other buildings besides planetariums that drop items for collections
Click on the item in the collection menu and it shows a list of sources.

I would advise you to expand your fleet (through upgrading control towers and stands) at the soonest possible opportunity. Keep your fleet to swifts and owls in the early levels as they do not require a variety of flight items nor a huge amount of pax. Only fly larger planes if your buildings produce enough pax to support them. Build a bunch of committed neighbours to trade gifts (flight items/fuel etc) every day.
  1. iPad
Friend Code
Hi @Craw , welcome to the game and forum :) Looked through your post and city and thought i can offer a few tips:

-I leveled up to level 13 and now most “guest” planes can‘t land on my runways.
It's alright to reject guest planes. For a start, only build the runways that you need for your own flights. For instance if you're flying owls then keep them to level 2.

-I’ve been requesting to join alliances for 36 hours and no one accepts.
Saw that you went to look for alliances in the forum section. That's the way to go. Don't be disheartened if no decent alliance accepts you early on, as most require members to fulfill certain number of pax or alliance tasks per week. Suggest that you read up on how weekly tasks work. (https://www.airportcitygame.com/thr...o-join-a-members-alliance-group-v7-8-2.19174/)

-I can’t afford to build commercial buildings on available land due to lack of population
It's important to upgrade town hall in the early levels. Focus on commercial buildings that are consistent with your playing pattern through the day. For instance an eatery produces 1 coin every 30 seconds, while a pharmacy produces 19 coins every hour, and both are 1x1 buildings. If you can stay on the game and click continuously through the day, go with the eatery as it produces 120 coins per hour compared to the 19 of pharmacy. But if you only log in once per hour, definitely go with the pharmacy.

-I cannot purchase land, especially on airport side because I do not have the coins or bucks
FYI the cost of land is the same on both city and airport side. The only thing that raises the cost is the number of expansion.

-I cannot build repair base H because I can’t purchase land
-I cannot repair all 3 helicopters because I cannot build repair base H because I cannot afford to buy land
Don't do helis early in the game.

-what Other buildings besides planetariums that drop items for collections
Click on the item in the collection menu and it shows a list of sources.

I would advise you to expand your fleet (through upgrading control towers and stands) at the soonest possible opportunity. Keep your fleet to swifts and owls in the early levels as they do not require a variety of flight items nor a huge amount of pax. Only fly larger planes if your buildings produce enough pax to support them. Build a bunch of committed neighbours to trade gifts (flight items/fuel etc) every day.
Thank you very much for the detailed response, I appreciate you taking the time to read my post, visit my airport and write up advice that will help me...


Wiki Editor
  1. Android
Friend Code
Thank you very much for the detailed response, I appreciate you taking the time to read my post, visit my airport and write up advice that will help me...

My pleasure :) do also update your game name to show the item you want as gifts. Mine's exwhy - Evt AR meaning i would like to receive event items and additional radars from neighbours. You'll probably need landing lamps (LL) and fuel 20 (F20) early on.
  1. iPad
Friend Code
My pleasure :) do also update your game name to show the item you want as gifts. Mine's exwhy - Evt AR meaning i would like to receive event items and additional radars from neighbours. You'll probably need landing lamps (LL) and fuel 20 (F20) early on.
Great tip, thank you
Personally, I suggest that you can try your best to take part in the flying of the festival activities of the game. if you are in a hurry and need coins, you can not exchange the mysterious buildings or special buildings of the game activities. after the game activities are over, you will exchange the items (e.g. lollipops from the flying of the current Christmas activities) into game coins in proportion.
In addition, let as many neighbors as possible have a high level of games (over 50 years old), go to them every day and click on the space launch pad, scientific research office, mission control center, synthetic lunar rover and other items, each lunar rover you can get 1000 experiences and 2000 game coins.


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  1. iPad
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When do weekly ranking end? I’ve been flying to riga and I’m currently ranked 13th. I want to move up to top 10 but need to know how much Time I have left
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