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Mysterious buildings

  1. Android
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Since a few days I am thinking about possibly spending my hard fought green banknotes.. on mysterious buildings! My hunger of 'I NEED LAND EXPANZIONZZZ' is fading a little bit away and I want to make my city look a bit more attractive. Now I was wondering if they only look cool, or are they useful and actually bring loads of cash too?

Also, for quite a while, when I am visiting neighbours, the building on the 'airport part' which looks like a flightschool but brings cash(?) made me think where I can get this. Is this an old building which has been taken away in an update, or do you get this with a collection? The same I was asking myself about the 1 x 1 skycrapers I see some people have. But this might be optained by finishing a collection too I guess? Or are these all mysterious buildings, please englighten me :p
  1. Android
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c1k0mq (that's a zero, not a letter)
BEW0072 Airport
Friso, I have all of the possible mystery buildings that you can get. Some are good and some are just eh. Let me find the thread that I posted in where the payout of each is listed and I'll add it here.
  1. Android
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c1k0mq (that's a zero, not a letter)
BEW0072 Airport
Here's the thread on the mystery buildings:

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