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AirportCityGame.com is the Number One place to be when it comes to the hit game Airport City!

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Looking for some new neighbours

  1. Android
  2. Windows PC
Friend Code
Please Message me to request
II am looking to add some more neighbours to the great ones I have already. Priorities for me are;-
Level 50+
Space Flights
(all colours)
Gifting -I will very shortly be bringing two drones on line and all three accounts have fuel(20) this will mean that you can get at least one gift from me daily (I understand that you may not be able to reciprocate every day and that is fine)

Anyone with the following is especially welcome:-
multiple planetariums, Currency,Document, Lie, and Explosives Detectors to gift

Please message me when you add me so that I know you are a forum member and I will accept you - my code is 20a24adm if you don't message me there is a risk that I may just delete the request as I only accept forum members
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