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Green Launch Launched


150+ Star Club
  1. Windows PC
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My 9yo twin boys are here this weekend and they want to see my first space launch. We will be doing a green launch in about 6 hours so if anyone can help out with server racks it is greatly appreciated. We need 3 for mc.

I have 1800 points so I could go it alone. How does the neighbor thing work and how much resources do we put in initially? I really would like a first place for the boys.

Any help is appreciated and hope to see someone in my inaugural space launch!
  1. Windows PC
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@bjs good if you have good points with Main Stablizers, Powerful Explosive Bolt, and Large Fuel Tank. The normal explosive bolt takes about 3 hrs to load before you can use another. I cannot help with the server trays. I will try to help you out I don't have a lot of big points right now. Can probably commit to about 300 points right now. No one from this forum has ever hijacked that I have seen. But be careful that no one on your friends list does.


150+ Star Club
  1. Windows PC
Friend Code
I put in 936 points. Easy 2nd and 3rd if someone wants to join. I have enough but think I should save in case some want to grab a prize. Will wait 2 hours from now.


150+ Star Club
  1. Windows PC
Friend Code
Thanks for joining @gwb!
Two questions
1. What happens when it reaches 1600? Just takes off or does it require me to launch?
2. Can I guarantee 1st with adding at least 801 points or does it allow more than the 1600 minimum?


150+ Star Club
  1. Windows PC
Friend Code
One more question. Is there a way to invite neighbors from the game?? Will I now see when neighbors launch or do they have to invite me somehow?


150+ Star Club
  1. Windows PC
Friend Code
Thanks @gwb for helping me start and @sanjeev for finishing it off. I was dumping points in so the launch would land before bedtime for my boys tomorrow night. Mission accomplished!
  1. Windows PC
Friend Code
@bjs Thank you for the launch hope you can catch one of mine when I can dump more points.

  1. See you answered this question
  2. I believe that you would get with 801 points. This would be the case with 3 members.
  3. Watch for threads in the Space Launch area. I have also accidently pushed the launch pad and then all your friends doing a launch show up.

The points you need to prevent a hijack actually depends on (i) the launch type (green, blue, red) and (ii) the number of participants in your launch.

A green launch is triggered when the combined points goes over 1600, but depending on the last item put in, the final tally can go up to as high1958.
  • If you have put in 978 and your potential hijacker has 620 points, the hijacker can throw in a PEB (360) to score 980 and overtake you. Total points 1958.
  • To secure #1 position for a green launch, you need to put in at least 980 points. In the case of a draw, the initiator takes #1.
  • If there is a third or fourth person in the launch, you will need less points, depending on how much the others have put in.
But many players have moved on to blue and red launches, so the chance of a hijack of a green launch nowadays is relatively small. Here are a few tips:
  1. Make sure you have enough fuel to complete when you start your own launch or need #1 position
  2. It is more effective to launch together with a like-minded neighbour from the forum (most likely at around the same game level). take turn at being #1.
  3. Take part in a QL party if possible to get more coins, experience and flight launch points, fast. You get a QL when you complete 100 launches.
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