Welcome to Airport City!

AirportCityGame.com is the Number One place to be when it comes to the hit game Airport City!

Real time chat to other players, trade items together, complete space missions, form & arrange alliances and much much more. It's all here at AirportCityGame.com

iPad Signatures

  1. iPad
Colin chew
Username: Colin chew

Level 40

Items I can use: Flight catering, Oscillating beacon, Fuel hose, navigation module and spare-propellers.

Items I can send: Send me what you want & I will return or PM me if u need any special items.
  1. iPad
Friend Code
No code available for ipad
Amir khan
Hi friends
Username :- Amir khan
I can send any thing avaliable up to 25 level
I need urgent sand bags .
Please help me
  1. iPad
Friend Code
Saha Airport
Saha Airport
My friend code: Saha Airport - Level 40

I need: Oscillating beacon, Fuel hose, Spare propeller (most urgent), Deicer, Navigation Module to fly my Jumbo planes.

I have finishes the Outer Space Quest. I updates the game and I need items to upgrade my Control Tower. I need Monitor and Airline Route Map. They are supposed to come from flights to Tokyo, but nothing yet. If you can send them or know ways to get these items, just let me know.

Send me what you want & I will return.

You can also join me in Spaceship launches.

I am a daily player and return gifts, unfortunately maximum 20 per day.

Last update: 30 June 2013

Helen Elizabeth

Top Poster Of The Month
  1. Android
  2. iPad
Friend Code
Happy Helen
Phew, gifts done, hope you get what you need or helps ;)

One Bad Day (flyer duck) thanks for update, sent you cash counter
greensmith sent gyroscope
Rsorour catering
Bali Hi, Pakman, tdv crapple fuel
must_dash deicer
Scoob1964 thanks returned the nav module
Colin Chew catering
@jeanVL catering

Think the rest aren't on forum, send me what you need & I will return next day :)

Helen Elizabeth

Top Poster Of The Month
  1. Android
  2. iPad
Friend Code
Happy Helen
May all of your missions be successful !

Will send you neighbour request.

What I find works for me is to return what I have been sent, as most neighbours are same level I
get stuff I need too.

By having some players at a lower level its good to encourage & support, so I may end up with something I
don't need but it's only 2 or 3 gifts daily...

Lastly, as neighbours on this forum as supportive, if I need something badly, I will ask on forum,
neighbours such as Bali Hi, tdv, Pakman are amazing & quick at sending.

It's about what works for you, it's a game, so enjoy! ;)
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