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How do you handle standard QL launches?

  1. iPad
Just curious how others handle standard QL launches. By "standard" I mean just regular Quantam Leap launches--not launch parties or those pre-planned by multiple participants. I've read the Rollins guides, and understand the advice.

Specifically, I'd like to know your personal tolerances on points levels of other participants. The reason I ask is I just started a QL (red) and just as I was getting to my 1680 points to secure 1st position, I had one other person join and they quickly put up nearly 900 points, placing the launch total to almost 2600. Although this player did at least have a "Test Launch" active, I went ahead a kicked them because we were only about 8-10 minutes into the launch timer, and they seemed determined to go ahead an start the launch with just two participants, which would be a 2+ hour wait.

Ideally, I like to try to get at least 3-4 players. If I have the 1680 established, I don't like to see others put in more than it takes to secure 2nd and 3rd because my experience has been that there's often someone who will come along and start the QL too soon. I'm especially wary of those who jump in and put up 800+ points without contributing at least a minimal launch bonus. If I'm joining someone's launch and don't have a bonus, I usually try to stay below those who are contributing more than I am out of respect for their additional contribution.

DISCLAIMER -- I do accept probably 90% of the neighbor requests I receive, so I realize I sorta set myself up for this to some degree. I'm willing to have to live with having to police the launches a little more because I'm not really into the parties or coordinated launch groups. Anyway, appreciate other opinions on how you handle these occasions.
Just curious how others handle standard QL launches. By "standard" I mean just regular Quantam Leap launches--not launch parties or those pre-planned by multiple participants. I've read the Rollins guides, and understand the advice.

Specifically, I'd like to know your personal tolerances on points levels of other participants. The reason I ask is I just started a QL (red) and just as I was getting to my 1680 points to secure 1st position, I had one other person join and they quickly put up nearly 900 points, placing the launch total to almost 2600. Although this player did at least have a "Test Launch" active, I went ahead a kicked them because we were only about 8-10 minutes into the launch timer, and they seemed determined to go ahead an start the launch with just two participants, which would be a 2+ hour wait.

Ideally, I like to try to get at least 3-4 players. If I have the 1680 established, I don't like to see others put in more than it takes to secure 2nd and 3rd because my experience has been that there's often someone who will come along and start the QL too soon. I'm especially wary of those who jump in and put up 800+ points without contributing at least a minimal launch bonus. If I'm joining someone's launch and don't have a bonus, I usually try to stay below those who are contributing more than I am out of respect for their additional contribution.

DISCLAIMER -- I do accept probably 90% of the neighbor requests I receive, so I realize I sorta set myself up for this to some degree. I'm willing to have to live with having to police the launches a little more because I'm not really into the parties or coordinated launch groups. Anyway, appreciate other opinions on how you handle these occasions.
Well, often I see this left to the host to decide the "rules" particularly since the game lacks in this area (e.g. no launch chat, launch "parameters", etc.). Normally this only occurs during launch party events such as 'Riding the Comet' and the host will state in their name "wait 2 QL", "don't pass host", "captain open", "max 576 fuel", etc. to define launch parameters (e.g. attempt "control" of launch).

Players often look to optimize the QL so 2+ hour flight beats 24 hours, especially if this is the only launch currently shown. Since there is no way to know how long the QL will remain active (unless the host indicates) they rather put in the points for the host to decide if time is expiring and when to launch. With the above example, this left 420 fuel so plenty of room for more players to join the launch, with their QL\TL's which can be added post-launch, if beneficial. A single TL doesn't reduce timer by much versus multiple. If two more players had joined prompting a launch and neither provided a TL you would still of had a 2+ hour flight.

Presumably, you lost this player as a neighbor.
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350+ Star Club
With no launch chat function or host notes, game name is the only means to communicate your intentions. Wait for 2 QL is all good but if you have to wait 2-3 hours so you can do 10min runs, it is already wasted. Unless you have a buddy that is joining with QL for sure, the wait defeats using QLs, IMO.

I simply run 2 QL's myself. So I can do immediate 10min flights back to back. I'm sure you have couple of backup accts. I typically run 3 games (gold and 2 silver box) or 5 where 2 bronze just gets free ride. Doing events with low level backup accts is so easy to get platinum boxes for QL launches. I focus on training center visits with backups so they become my source of fuel and QL. It just takes too much effort to try to place top 3 with main acct so I do it with only backup accts.

When I do launches, I get 10+ flights within 2 hour window. Easy source of 1500 fuel for 2 hours of work.

Sometimes, when I'm about to join my game with 3rd acct, the launch is gone. Someone has jumped in and taken the easy 1st spot and I could not add the 2nd QL. In that case, I just drop the person from friend list. But, If you specifically did not tell the person to not add more than certain amount of fuel, the person can not read your mind and I think it is just too rude to bump someone, especially on a pub launch. Unless person recoups the fuel applied, you can unfriend him but bumping so he would lose his fuel spent is just wrong if you didn't tell him not to do that.

Once in a while I just add 3 accts (without adding fuel first) to launch and set the launch to private and add fuel relaxed.
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350+ Star Club
I used up all my airplane fuel and rocket fuel during the last event and I am running on airplane/rocket fume.

In order to get 10 F150s, I need the first place with next to no fuel. With under 400 (for green) I can still secure the top position for the F150 fuel. I still need about 4000 total rocket fuel to be able to get 10 F150s

Because I control all participants, I can launch back to back within 5min. It takes time due to supplying fuel from each support and to not exceed the top position looking for F150.

Most time consuming part is collecting fuel and hitting a neighbor so the launch status is updated (takes few min if you don't) and joining next launch.

Top place gets 10x F150 for about 4000 rocket fuel
2 supports get 20x F50
2 supports get 10x F50

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