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Android Hotel Madness

  1. Android

Was sending some gifts last night, and particually remember sending some DND signs to a few folk, then decided to add some culture to my airport and build a History Museum. Then when I went back to my airport my hotel had the red ! I've suddenly lost 2 DND signs and all 4 of my All inclusive bracelets!!

No idea how this has happened, have had my hotel built for months. Has building the museum 'used' some of these items? Or is this a glitch anyone has had before.

Gonna be a mare to get these bracelets again!

Me + booze + airport city = wreckless :(
  1. Android
  2. iPad
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aruc5di - Adroid / Flyerduck - iPad
OBD - Android / Flyerduck - iPad
Here's a "bug" for ya. Managed to gather all the collectible items for the "Cold Winter" Collection and unlocked the "Ice Castle", so i went ahead and built the castle, but hadn't completed the "Christmas Elves" collection required for the main "Santa's Bad Day" event, and build the "Skating Rink". Yet, i was awarded with completing the event, granted the "Christmas Tree" item and all my Christmas Flights were removed so i have no access to the items that drop specifically from those flights, thus i can not complete my Ice Castle or the Igloo i got from the "Forgetful Santa" collection.

I sent a request to GI about fixing this and they sent me back "Congratulations on completing the event!!" and told me that in order to obtain the items needed i would have to buy them with "greenies" (Airport Cash)! If i wanted to do that, it would cost me either a) 28 to gamble and see what i get out of the "Winter Equipment" crate from the store which only contains 5 random items for the buildings, meaning i wouldn't complete both; b) Complete both using "greenies" at a cost of 64 greenies, i currently have 77, but was waiting for an Expansion sale to spend them; or c) delete both of them.

I hope they can fix it so i can fly those Christmas Flights again, cause this blows. Also, why is it that those flights go away (rendering my sleighs useless) but the "Space Event" flights are still available?
  1. Android
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One Bad Day Hey, me and Mikket have had the same problem. It is really a stupid bug as I have now 'finished' the quest in 3 days, having more than 20 to go where everybody on this forum is focussing on and I can't do anything anymore.

But to answer your question, it's probably because you will want to keep flying to space. But flying with your santa sleighs in the summer is quite stupid :p
  1. Android
  2. iPad
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aruc5di - Adroid / Flyerduck - iPad
OBD - Android / Flyerduck - iPad
One Bad Day Hey, me and Mikket have had the same problem. It is really a stupid bug as I have now 'finished' the quest in 3 days, having more than 20 to go where everybody on this forum is focussing on and I can't do anything anymore.

But to answer your question, it's probably because you will want to keep flying to space. But flying with your santa sleighs in the summer is quite stupid :p
Same thing applies to the Christmas flight destinations, collections are available from that just like the Space event. If the sleighs are going to remain, and the special hangers they go in, why not allow us to fly them?

Aero - Sadly, you're probably right. If they don't fix it, it forces you to delete the useless buildings or buy the "greenies" with real money.


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  1. Android
  2. Windows PC
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Retren3, Retren4, Retren2, Retren
Yep, same problem. Didn't finish the five continents collection and can't as sleighs don't drop. The buildings I have keep dropping items and I now have 15 castles in the warehouse.......

I had 54 soccer stadiums and did the following: build stadium from warehouse (use), but do not speed up. Then, when building isfinished and requires items (red exclemation mark), I sold it for 500. Made 22000 cash in one day.
warning: it did happen once that I sold an unfinished stadium, and some items disappeared from a finished stadium... luckily there were forummembers that could help out.
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