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From an Event you couldn't finish in 7 days, to an event you could finish in 7 hours

  1. Windows PC
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Pilot 1
Am I the only one who is upset at the lack of effort the GI has put into the latest Airport City updates/events? I mean come on? An event that most couldn't finish the tasks asked to complete in 7 days playing 8 hours or more a day.....to an event that most tasks can be finished in 7 hours of one day play. Absolutely mind boggling! I get it. You won't get to level 20 in one day (or maybe some could I believe), but completing the tasks? One extreme to the other. I'm losing interest.

They need a wake up call. Too bad no cares.


1100+ Star Club
  1. iPad
Friend Code
I work a lot with constrained resources, and given that we know they are working very hard on new features from other posts to this board, is it any wonder that they may have elected to put in an easy event, especially given that the previous one is so hard? My thing that pays me money that is not Airport City involves software project management, and it's always about tradeoffs, and we just can't make everyone happy all the time. One sick developer who is out with COVID on one of my smaller teams can throw my carefully manicured release plan out the window in a heartbeat.

Without knowing what is going on in the company, I find it too easy to throw shade on them right now, or to put the blame on "the developers" when it is likely not them making the decisions. I mean, how much do we really know how and who makes these calls anyway?

It's a Friday everyone, I for one am going to enjoy my WFH day with launching as many greens as I possibly can with my QL. 🚀 I hope you find ways to have fun too. Soon enough, it's the weekend. 🥳

I work a lot with constrained resources, and given that we know they are working very hard on new features from other posts to this board, is it any wonder that they may have elected to put in an easy event, especially given that the previous one is so hard? My thing that pays me money that is not Airport City involves software project management, and it's always about tradeoffs, and we just can't make everyone happy all the time. One sick developer who is out with COVID on one of my smaller teams can throw my carefully manicured release plan out the window in a heartbeat.

Without knowing what is going on in the company, I find it too easy to throw shade on them right now, or to put the blame on "the developers" when it is likely not them making the decisions. I mean, how much do we really know how and who makes these calls anyway?

It's a Friday everyone, I for one am going to enjoy my WFH day with launching as many greens as I possibly can with my QL. 🚀 I hope you find ways to have fun too. Soon enough, it's the weekend. 🥳

Well put, I agree with your comments! I also finished this one in 5 hours and not able to complete the last two but that makes it a challenge, if we could finish them all it would be boring!!


1000+ Star Club
Wiki Editor
Musketeers Alliance
Wasn't the riding the comet event originally designed when launching was new? If I remember correctly, the purpose was to get people building the buildings and starting to launch. It's serving that purpose just fine.

As for the levels, they are difficult enough to achieve. If you only do the tasks to complete the event plus visit the right buildings daily, you need to do 71 green launches to get to level do. Certainly it will be less if you use lucky ticket and/or add flights to Cape or other space destinations up to South Observatory.

So, the tasks are easy. The levels ... not so much
Wasn't the riding the comet event originally designed when launching was new? If I remember correctly, the purpose was to get people building the buildings and starting to launch. It's serving that purpose just fine.
And that it certainly does. I got from "space virgin", i.e. 0 flights, to 31 green missions in less than 3 days. With lots of thanks to the generous QL hosters.
If only I had more rations... :ROFLMAO:


1000+ Star Club
Wiki Editor
Musketeers Alliance
And that it certainly does. I got from "space virgin", i.e. 0 flights, to 31 green missions in less than 3 days. With lots of thanks to the generous QL hosters.
If only I had more rations... :ROFLMAO:
Get rations from visiting neighbor Cosmic Fuel Stations. Here is a list of where different items drop from. You can still get more in and there will be more QL parties - right up until the end


If I'm collecting specifically for field rations, I visit cosmic fuel and green launch pad


1000+ Star Club
Wiki Editor
Musketeers Alliance
And that it certainly does. I got from "space virgin", i.e. 0 flights, to 31 green missions in less than 3 days. With lots of thanks to the generous QL hosters.
If only I had more rations... :ROFLMAO:
Schiphol! There was a great restaurant there in an old church a few years back. I can't remember the name but they distilled their own gin. I still have a bottle (empty now) on display at home
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