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Event ranking


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  1. Android
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This is an incredible feat... System flaw?


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  1. Android
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Unless the first is at 1100493…
known bug, not showing the millions
That's possible and if so, has anyone encountered the same issue or is it just me? This means this guy maybe playing 24/7 throughout the event and on the spot, gets the currency rewards quests (400 and 1060 points) as soon as the quest pops out after the quest waiting time else he has to spend greenies which is too much for such a measly reward. If he really has this points accumulated (a million plus), that's an incredible feat of play.
I think it is some form of cheat as it is not possible to get 1 million event currency in the event time, max I saw in any event was 300000. (Unless he has spent 24x7 playing without a break and spent a lot of greenies)

Based on some calculations I made
Event length = Approximately 11 days
Task 1 => 180 event currency, 3 hours to refresh => can be claimed 8 times a day => 1440 event currency
Task 2 => 400 event currency, 20 minutes to refresh => can be claimed 72 times a day => 28800 event currency
Task 3 => 1060 event currency, 15 minutes to refresh => can be claimed 96 times a day => 101760 event currency
Chinese Shop => 3 event currency, 1 hour to refresh => can be claimed 24 times a day => 72 event currency
Puppet Theatre => 3 event currency, 2 hour to refresh => can be claimed 12 times a day => 36 event currency
Neighbor visits => 3 event currency, 1 day to refresh => can be claimed 60 times a day => 180 event currency
Hazards in city => 3 event currency, 5 minutes to refresh => can be claimed 1440 times a day => 4320 event currency
Destinations (for 14 stands) => approximately 2 event currencies per minute with most efficient destinations => total 2880 event currency
Guest planes => 1 event currency, 30 seconds to refresh => can be claimed 2880 times a day => 2880 event currency

On total per day a person can get somewhere between 135000 to 140000 if all are instantaneously collected and all planes are sent without delay and all guest planes are landed.

In total to get 1 million points with the above calculation and non stop play, you need 7 to 9 days, unless he/she uses at least 500 greenies it is humanely impossible to achieve this 1 million event currency in the given time of 11 days for this event


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  1. Android
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About 60 bucks to buy in the sale - not really that much..........
Based on some calculations I made
Event length = Approximately 11 days
Task 1 => 180 event currency, 3 hours to refresh => can be claimed 8 times a day => 1440 event currency
Task 2 => 400 event currency, 20 minutes to refresh => can be claimed 72 times a day => 28800 event currency
Task 3 => 1060 event currency, 15 minutes to refresh => can be claimed 96 times a day => 101760 event currency
Chinese Shop => 3 event currency, 1 hour to refresh => can be claimed 24 times a day => 72 event currency
Puppet Theatre => 3 event currency, 2 hour to refresh => can be claimed 12 times a day => 36 event currency
Neighbor visits => 3 event currency, 1 day to refresh => can be claimed 60 times a day => 180 event currency
Hazards in city => 3 event currency, 5 minutes to refresh => can be claimed 1440 times a day => 4320 event currency
Destinations (for 14 stands) => approximately 2 event currencies per minute with most efficient destinations => total 2880 event currency
Guest planes => 1 event currency, 30 seconds to refresh => can be claimed 2880 times a day => 2880 event currency

On total per day a person can get somewhere between 135000 to 140000 if all are instantaneously collected and all planes are sent without delay and all guest planes are landed.

In total to get 1 million points with the above calculation and non stop play, you need 7 to 9 days, unless he/she uses at least 500 greenies it is humanely impossible to achieve this 1 million event currency in the given time of 11 days for this event
Hmm.. Given the scenario, if he do instant refresh, it is closer to 1000 greenies spent. He could spend more time before claiming a quest since it requires you to produce items that are seldom obtained no matter how many greenies you spend to speed it up (through flights/bldg visit/ etc). In short, the quest cycle could be doubled and hence reduce further the theoretical yield. So given this scenario. it would seem that this player did not sleep at all for 12 days and spent huge amounts of greenies just to get a teeny tiny amount - 20 greenies plus 3 platinum chests. That's one for the record, if true.


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  1. Android
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Thats what this game does to ya!
Count me out. It is really tough to compete with level 80 players but it is quite rare when you have a pool of veteran players competing (100 players in a group) and one has 5 times the score of other veteran players. I did observe that even competing with 1000+ skills star players has, at most, double my score and never saw a score that went beyond 500,000 points.
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