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Duty free items - how to get them?

  1. iPad
Friend Code
No code available for ipad
Amir khan
I don't have these item in my gift list how can i send it?

Filled candy
eau de toilette


150+ Star Club
VIP Flyer
  1. iPad
  2. iPhone
Friend Code
I don't have these item in my gift list how can i send it?

Filled candy
eau de toilette
What you can gift depends on many variables, including your level and experience.

It is worth adding items wanted to your signature and also an icon for your profile.
The signature is via the drop down at the top right of the page. For the picture on the left there is a guide in the guides section on doing it.
  1. Android
Friend Code
PM me for the code
WLG Old Lantern
Clicking on some neighbours' buildings can drop these items. Go to your DFS and click on the items you want and that should tell which buildings to target.
Also you can buy with coins the Duty Free Items packet from Duke Crooker's Airship Store when he shows up.
i got inconvertible coin.. i kinda miss the multiplier that we had last year. :) now i have 2 coins sitting on my warehouse..

Hey jackjackeli, I got an Inconvertible Coin from the Mystery Bonus too.
Now I have 7 Inconvertible Coins in my warehouse (what is it good for nowadays?)
Wish I could convert it to Sky Captains or Golden Dice....

How come there are no more "good" bugs to exploit nowadays ;) ?
We only get "bad" bugs!!
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