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Does your Rocket say ''376451:58:12' hours left' Game Insight Responds

  1. Android
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FancyFlight OR !FF(itemsneeded)
I've noticed in the forums a few people have had the issue where they either try to launch their rocket and it comes up with an error timer of something like '376451:58:12' countdown, or when their rocket returns and they go to find the lander it says '376451:58:12' hours left until space-craft returns.

I never had a problem with my 5-6 different launches until my last one where the lander came back without a prize, but instead a realllllly long countdown, so I wrote to Game Insight.

They have come back and said the following:

Our engineers have been informed and are taking necessary measures to troubleshoot the problem. Anticipating your question on the time when the issue is completely resolved I would like to let you know that it is expected to be eliminated in the upcoming update.
As a note, I am going to mark the request as "solved" to avoid sending you system reminders asking to update the request. As mentioned above, fixing the issue is in the process, and it might take us some time to test the new version and make it available for you. Please, keep it in mind and check for the updates uploaded.
Thank you for choosing our application!
Michael Pastorius
Your Support Team

So unfortunately, no real promise of when it will be fixed.
I didn't think it was possible but Game Insight has had yet another giant stuff up!
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see my signature
see my signature
Usual shit from GIS support monkeys...

Our engineers are aware of the problem and will be fixed in the next update– so I will close the case
Our anti-cheat system has been fully tested – you have changed the time on your device – change it back and it will eventually be fixed – So I will close the case
Of course they are only thinking of us when they close the case – so we are not repeatedly reminded that we have to update their problem ticket. - Yeah RIGHT!!!

What a load of shit from them – If I had to pay for this kind of support – I would have taken them to court by now...

So bring it on – I will continue to help people out with items that cannot be gifted to hit them in their revenue stream :cool: - wish I could kick them in the greens... :D

I am not bitter :mad:
  1. Android
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FancyFlight OR !FF(itemsneeded)
tdv yeah it is super annoying. thank goodness this isn't a paid game! if they didn't have the weekend codes i would have uninstalled a long time ago. you are lucky to have the rare gifts, i'm surprised they haven't removed them and put shitty gifts instead!


500+ Star Club
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I was able to recover my capsule after this error (there is a thread in the bugs section). It has been verified by another user (who made step-by-step instructions), but does come with some potential for risk (I lost the ability to send guest gifts). If you don't need the capsule I'd probably just wait for an update... in my case I've still not completed the Space Odyssey Collection so took a chance.

  1. Android
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FancyFlight OR !FF(itemsneeded)
Toddfish thanks i just had a read of it, don't think i'll be trying it. the gifts from neighbours are probably more important to me than finishing the space odyssey at this stage, which i already think is the worst challenge bar the stupid rabbit easter one!
  1. Android
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FancyFlight OR !FF(itemsneeded)
i remember you had to collect like 100 carrots at 2 greenies each to banish the bunnies or something so absurd and i was like :O x 100,000,000. my fave remains the dark skies! i actually completed it like 6 days early!
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