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Celestial Festival Win (Top Finish) Award


350+ Star Club
Since we have award for completing the event, lets make an award for top placers.

Medal? Stars?
Top 3? Top 5?

Gold, silver, bronze stars for top 3? Seeing them in member profile of bunch of stars would be nice.

Post your win prospects now and later add final placement and award screenshot as proof. You can start to place images perhaps within 10 hours from closing and update and edit as place changes and add proof shot or delete content if you drop below 5.
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350+ Star Club
4th now but probably few places lower later.


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Since we have award for completing the event, lets make an award for top placers.

Medal? Stars?
Top 3? Top 5?

Gold, silver, bronze stars for top 3? Seeing them in member profile of bunch of stars would be nice.

Post your win prospects now and later add final placement and award screenshot as proof. You can start to place images perhaps within 10 hours from closing and update and edit as place changes and add proof shot or delete content if you drop below 5.
Wouldnt be a good idea as some are in very competitive grps whereas some are in grps where members gave up


350+ Star Club
Wouldnt be a good idea as some are in very competitive grps whereas some are in grps where members gave up
Just like any game with RNG, getting into a group with relaxed members is just part of your luck. One of my game at 40ish level, one guy started with 40,000 points 5min into the game. That is also part of the luck when a cheater gets in your group.

The spirit of this is to give something for the effort and recognize the work.
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