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Android Bad Santa's Mission

  1. Android
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yabuki ichiban
Got a glitch today:eek: . I'm officially completed my Bad Santa's Mission, got my Christmas Tree too. The problem is I have not finish building Skating Rink. I can't send any flight to Africa, Australia, Eurasia, South and North America. Thus, it is impossible for me to complete building Skating Rink, Igloo and Ice Castle unless I pay using Airport Cash. Now I have 2 choices, either pay it with Airport cash or just sell all the building and forget about all the buildings entirely :confused: .

Anyone have the same glitch?


  • Screenshot_2013-01-04-21-11-22.png
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  1. Android
Friend Code
air canillas
I know of many neighbors in the same situation. I have yet to finish the skate rink and the ice palace in the warehouse. I'll try to get the greenies necessary, but do not know if I will have enough patience.
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