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Amazon, Android, ios & Windows - July Trading Thread

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Captain WH Rollins

150+ Star Club
VIP Flyer
Guide Writer
Wiki Editor
  1. Windows PC
Captain WH Rollins
Good Afternoon Ladies and Gentlemen (Tuesday 23rd July 2019 at 14.35pm London UK Time)

On this hot and humid Tuesday afternoon, all my neighbours gift items have finally been sent out for today. My great thanks and appreciation for all the continued gift items received, they are very much welcomed.

Captain WH Rollins

Captain WH Rollins

150+ Star Club
VIP Flyer
Guide Writer
Wiki Editor
  1. Windows PC
Captain WH Rollins
Good Afternoon Ladies and Gentlemen (Wednesday 24th July 2019 at 12.35pm London UK Time)

On this really hot and humid Wednesday afternoon, (hoter than yesterday I would say) I have finally finished gifting (fuel, flight and event) items to my neighbours. Once again, I write to express my great thanks and appreciation, for all the gift items received, throughout this week of game play.

Captain WH Rollins

Captain WH Rollins

150+ Star Club
VIP Flyer
Guide Writer
Wiki Editor
  1. Windows PC
Captain WH Rollins
Good Morning Ladies and Gentlemen (Thursday 25th July 2019 at 11.00am London UK Time)

On another really hot and humid day, here in the UK, I have just finished sending out my gifting items to all my good neighbours. My great thanks for all the continued gift items received, during my sleep period, they are all very much appreciated.

Do be very careful in this hot and humid weather.

Captain WH Rollins

Captain WH Rollins

150+ Star Club
VIP Flyer
Guide Writer
Wiki Editor
  1. Windows PC
Captain WH Rollins
Good Morning Ladies and Gentlemen (Friday 26th July 2019 at 10.20am London UK Time)

On a slightly cooler day, compared with yesterdays hot and humid weather, all my neighbours gift items have been despatched for today. My great thanks for all the gift items received, they are all very much appreciated.

Captain WH Rollins
Weekend Code *magma26*

Captain WH Rollins

Captain WH Rollins

150+ Star Club
VIP Flyer
Guide Writer
Wiki Editor
  1. Windows PC
Captain WH Rollins
Good Morning Ladies and Gentlemen (Saturday 27th July 2019 at 10.50am London UK Time)

The last weekend of the present month, and I have finally managed to send out my gift items to all my neighbours for this morning. I thank all of my neighbours for their continued help with gift items, they are all greatly received.

Have a great weekend.

Captain WH Rollins
Hey gang - in case you hadn't seen the note from Ivan in another thread, the FUEL STATION is NOT showing its bubble when ready to collect - its a bug that will be fixed in the next release so DON'T FORGET TO KEEP CHECKING IT. Best tip - check volcano means check fuel (if you do the hourly one that is!).

Captain WH Rollins

150+ Star Club
VIP Flyer
Guide Writer
Wiki Editor
  1. Windows PC
Captain WH Rollins
Good Evening Ladies and Gentlemen (Sunday 28th July 2019 at 17.35pm London UK Time)

Much later than my usual gifting period, all my gift items have been despatched to my neighbours for today. I write to express my thanks and appreciation for all the gift items received, throughout today.

Captain WH Rollins

Captain WH Rollins

150+ Star Club
VIP Flyer
Guide Writer
Wiki Editor
  1. Windows PC
Captain WH Rollins
Good Morning Ladies and Gentlemen (Monday 29th July 2019 at 10.25am London UK Time)

On this bright, sunny and warm Monday morning, I have despatched my 20 gift items to my neighbours for today. My thanks for all the gift items received during last week, and so far this morning.

Have a great week, wherever you are.

Captain WH Rollins

Captain WH Rollins

150+ Star Club
VIP Flyer
Guide Writer
Wiki Editor
  1. Windows PC
Captain WH Rollins
Good Morning Ladies and Gentlemen (Tuesday 30th July 2019 at 10.45am London UK Time)

On the penultimate day of the month of July, I have finally despatched all my 20 gift items to my neighbours for today. My great thanks for all the gift items received, while both my eyes were closed, during my sleep period. I have updated my signature page.

Captain WH Rollins

Captain WH Rollins

150+ Star Club
VIP Flyer
Guide Writer
Wiki Editor
  1. Windows PC
Captain WH Rollins
Good Morning Ladies and Gentlemen (Wednesday 31st July 2019 at 10.55am London UK Time)

On the very last day of the month of July, all of my neighbours gift items have been despatched for today. My great thanks and appreciation for all the gift items received. I have also updated my signature page, with a few minor changes. If you need any special gift items to upgrade your buildings, please do let me know. I try and look at as many of my neighbours signatures pages as I can.

Captain WH Rollins
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