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2016 Thanksgiving Quest


800+ Star Club
  1. Android
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I got a reply from GI some time ago that Casino/Bank/Mint are coming with the next update. I think this update can be called "next". So I'm eager to wait what comes after the event. Probably they just gave their usual copy-paste 'buzz-off' reply. :D

Really? Last time I read on FB mobile that they are not offering the casinoes, mints, banks this year. Did they change their mind?


700+ Star Club
  1. Windows Mobile
  2. Windows PC
Really? Last time I read on FB mobile that they are not offering the casinoes, mints, banks this year. Did they change their mind?
I think I got a standard copy-paste "buzz-off" reply to avoid negative reaction or something. Having made dozens requests I learnt their way to work and I didn't believed them right away, just waiting for better.
I've been playing for almost 2 years, invested plenty of real money and came to a point where I don't want to spend more. C/B/M would be a steady supply of greenies and without them I'm loosing the interest in the game.
  1. Android
I think I got a standard copy-paste "buzz-off" reply to avoid negative reaction or something. Having made dozens requests I learnt their way to work and I didn't believed them right away, just waiting for better.
I've been playing for almost 2 years, invested plenty of real money and came to a point where I don't want to spend more. C/B/M would be a steady supply of greenies and without them I'm loosing the interest in the game.
Even you have, it is not easy to make them always active.


150+ Star Club
VIP Flyer
  1. Android
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ask me
I think I got a standard copy-paste "buzz-off" reply to avoid negative reaction or something. Having made dozens requests I learnt their way to work and I didn't believed them right away, just waiting for better.
I've been playing for almost 2 years, invested plenty of real money and came to a point where I don't want to spend more. C/B/M would be a steady supply of greenies and without them I'm loosing the interest in the game.
Please don't lose interest here @Bob1977 we need you here :love: no one has a brain like yours (y)
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