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AirportCityGame.com is the Number One place to be when it comes to the hit game Airport City!

Real time chat to other players, trade items together, complete space missions, form & arrange alliances and much much more. It's all here at AirportCityGame.com

Search results

  1. Cluck

    Pink Pilots

    Hi - So I formed an alliance called the pink pilots with some fellow ladies on this forum @Saralaraloola @Blue Aero and @HS72 . And we totally rock! Our highest ranking so far is 117 and we are really progressing and soon expect to hit the top 100. I really recommend joining an alliance...
  2. Cluck

    Blue Launch Launched

    I am launching a quick blue as needed by the UFO quest. Anyone want to join? I will be launching it in about an hour.
  3. Cluck


    Green open with 1 QL- this will be my last one before the QL bonus expires. Join up!
  4. Cluck

    Red Launch Red closed

    We have over 1800 2300 in now. Please join! Thanks @PeterNL
  5. Cluck

    24 hour Timer Resets evertime I re-open game

    I upgraded last night. When I re-open the game, the timer for visiting neighbors resets back to 23 hours 57 min. @KenDuckySmith did you say this happened to you too?
  6. Cluck

    Red Launch launched

    I opened a red and will leave it open while I go to work.... Join even if you only have a few points. The more the merrier. Anyone can launch it anytime they want. No rules, no stress, just join and fly with me. If no one has launched it by the time I get home from work, I will launch...
  7. Cluck

    Red Launch Red open

    Over 1200 points in. Any place is open. Please join!
  8. Cluck

    Red Launch Launched

    I've had a red open for about an hour now and put over 1600 points in. I see that @rocky just started a red, so I guess I have some competition, but if you want to join, please do. I will keep it open until morning. If by chance someone launches it, please post here. thanks
  9. Cluck

    Red Launch Launched

    I opened a red. 2nd and 3rd place still open. Anyone can launch it if they can/want. Please post here if you do launch. I will be checking in the morning and launching it then, if no one has already.
  10. Cluck

    Green Launch Launched

    I open a green and put 900 in. Please join. I am going to bed so please post here if you do launch it. Thanks!
  11. Cluck

    Green Launch Launched

    Please join. I will be launching quickly. 2nd and 3rd open
  12. Cluck


    I put a few points in. ANY place is open. I don't have very much fuel left. I will be checking back later. post here if you launch it
  13. Cluck

    Launched - Back in 2hr23min

    Please join. Take whatever position and launch if you can.
  14. Cluck


    Please join - Any place you want.
  15. Cluck


    Hey so I decided to treat myself to a QL bonus on my birthday and will be sending off launches every 3 hours (about). No Stress please! I will be switching colors so I will open a new thread for each launch. Red is open with over 1800 points in. I'll take first. Please Join!
  16. Cluck

    Blue Launch Launched

    I put over 1200 points in - 2nd and 3rd places open. Please join. I am going to bed so if you launch it, please post here. Thanks!!
  17. Cluck

    Blue Launch Blue Launched

    Only 400 more points needed for a 3rd place. 23 hours left.
  18. Cluck

    Red Launch Launched

    Red Open - I put in 1700. Please join....Launch it you want, post here if you do. Have a great flight.
  19. Cluck

    Blue Launch Blue Launched

    I put in over 1200 points. Please join. 23+ hours left. I am going to bed, anyone can join and launch at any time. Just please post here if you do ! Thank you and good night.
  20. Cluck

    Red Launch Launchef

    Red is open - I am leaving for work. Launch it if you want. But please remember to post here if you do launch. I will launch it after work if it hasn't been done already. Thanks!!!!
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