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  • Peter, a few things about the latest update. The icons to harvest are VERY small and placed at the bottom of buildings. Care must be taken when tapping or G! will send a video or charge you greens. A few minor fixes and changes such as guest planes and warehouse but nothing big.
    Your city looks really nice. If you need land, why not get rid of the coal stations & replace them with a few Tesla power plants? That would free up lots of land.
    Otherwise the arithmetic is simple: One Tesla plant costs 30 greenies and replaces 5 Coal Stations i.e. you can replace one Coal Plants with Tesla Plant and remove 4 more Coal Plants thus releasing 1 square of land. So with land expansion price more than 60 greenies (30 greenies during sale) the cheaper way to add more space is replacing your Coal Stations and not purchasing more land.
    Blue Skies
    Blue Skies
    Very good points. Restart your Mint or bank up gold tokens to purchase more when they go on sale. I hear that the option is about every 18 months.
    Blue Skies
    Blue Skies
    Running Rome flights today, very expensive warehouse fuel but on target.
    Hope you have recovered from your trip to Utah, hope you had a good time. I am helping newbie SS1. Let me know if you want to party.
    I am starting flights to Rome. Should I use regular dice to get maps? Are those considered "collectable items" that need Golden Dice?
    While flying to Excavations: destination, you should use regular dice for collecting maps.
    Hey Peter, I feel the need for speed. Interested in a QL party?
    Hi Blue,
    Greetings from Park City, UT. I'll fly today to Chicago and then to Europe and then recover from jet-lag. So I assume until the next weekend I'll definitely be uncapable to do any QL parties. Sorry about that!
    Yes Peter, I will now look toward Colosseum efforts. I have restarted my Mint production of greenies. Ca-ching for the next several weeks.
    Hello Peter, A big effort finished. Since I was not distracted by the Back to Scool event (finished last time), and now not distracted by alliance efforts, I focused on meso efforts. All 6 Aztec Pyramids earned and built. You were spot on correct, it required around 100k warehouse fuel. 3 stars for each earned. Does anyone really care about stars? Why? Thank you for your guidance.
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    I do care about the stars :) - matter of being respected, to show how advanced you are in the game
    Frankly speaking for me the two most important indicators just now are stars and how your city does look like, how many "advanced" buildings from collections, events and adventure do I have.
    I hope you will continue now with the Colosseum flights. Don't forget - fly the Excavation: flights with dice and once you have the maps, the other five flights with golden dice.
    Hi Peter, I just did my 1st jet map run to Chichen Itza. 11,700 warehouse fuel spent, 15 Bird Helmets gained. Do you suggest I get all 36 first or go for other items to build a few pyramids?
    as you have to fly jets to three remaining Aztec destinations and for 5 more for Colosseum, it's up to you. If you feel more motivated when you get your first Pyramid, go and fly the other two destinations first so you will have two Pyramids and then come back to fly Chichen Itza for the remaining 21 Helmets.
    Blue Skies
    Blue Skies
    That is what I thought. Thank you.
    Good to hear you are making progress. I just earned the cloud castle. I am ready to start jet flights to meso locations. Do I use GD on them too?
    Yea, it really looks great. I'm still at 23 / 100 collections. It should take me another month or so.
    Indeed, move your Cloud Castle and Card Castle in between your residential buildings - to benefit from their bonus power.
    Blue Skies
    Blue Skies
    Yes, I will move them as you suggest soon...I am just enjoying the fun of them set aside until I need them.
    Blue Skies
    Blue Skies
    Yes, the Card Castle is a bit stale now but the Cloud Castle is cool & lofty.
    Hello Peter, Did you say that you want to do a party this weekend? If so, I am ready. 60 Red prep sets, 25 pebs lots of ms and lft. Can we do with just one PEB per launch?
    While getting ready for the next meso map run, I am sending Tps for QL hunting. Squeezing a bit more juice out of the well used GD to get a few more items from Green maps.
    I did the same prev week - after I finished one Jumbo adventure destination I sent TPs to Bangalore to top-up the collections to 18
    Hi Peter, I now have 36 items from both Tp meso trips (Tollan and Machu). Ready to start jet runs.
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    ... , in the morning I activate a regular dice (not a GD!!), tap on the landed planes and quickly send them to the same destination again. So with only 12 Catalysts (to land the second 12 flights within the dice duration) I do 24 flights. Four days, 4 dices and almost no fuel and I'm there - 3-* the Excavation destination and get enough maps to fly.
    If you don't have enough planes of the requested type (I assume you fly only 4 TP for adventures), you might do a 6h session with regular dice, instant return with Fuel and 100 flights to the Excavation destination.
    QL: let's wait for the weekend, we might discuss it on Thu/Fri.
    Hello Peter. I hear the 100 limit has been removed with the last update. Do you know about the following codes, *airportcity6* and *gilovesac* ?
    I've used already airportcity6 - in my understanding it came instead of the regular weekly code. gilovesac I see here from you - thanks :)
    I'll write you a PM re: QL plans
    Hey Peter, I have just done my 1st meso map run. Results are mostly in but 7 flights are yet to return. The numbers... 7 Tps used, more than 120 flights with GD. Not sure how many flights because maps have not shown used yet but far past 3 stars earned. 1 Tollan map shows used but still 175 meso maps are in my inventory??? 24 Obsidian knifes earned, maybe another 1 or 2 when the last flights return...
    Hello Peter, I am now back up to 30 Red prep sets. Would you be interested in a 1&1 QL party soon?
    Leaving for a family vacation on Wednesday. Thursday I will be in in a hotel in Spain and ready to discuss possible parties. Before that it'll be quite hectic, sorry.
    Blue Skies
    Blue Skies
    No hurry. I will continue to gather resources...
    Hello Peter, A couple of questions. 1) Once I complete this event, can I move land around? I will not need the Card Hangers nor associated planes for a year, want to move them out of the central area. 2) If I run empty on red prep items, how much do more cost? I am down to 15 red prep sets but want to party with you. My limiting item is Passage Instrument, more than 60 of everything else for reds.
    Just realized I didn't answer this one. Would it be better for you to open a chat in Messenger just you and me and discuss this there interactively? If yes, I'll try to contact you tomorrow morning your time. If I don't succeed, I'll try Thursday morning your time.
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