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AirportCityGame.com is the Number One place to be when it comes to the hit game Airport City!

Real time chat to other players, trade items together, complete space missions, form & arrange alliances and much much more. It's all here at AirportCityGame.com

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  • Hey Radu, finaly I got some time for writing again. Could you please send 2 Amperemeters my way?

    Add me as ur frnd. I have just started playing. Will appreciate anything you send.
    Code is : wcp7sxe

    I need : Dispatcher console, Flight goggle & text book.
    Please send it to me :(
    Uschu Could I have or you post your gift list? If you need something besides Aerosols please advise me.
    Thanks :cat
    Thank you Uschu! Please keep sending me Filled Candies until I notify you of something else.
    Have a good flying!
    Hallo Uschu lange nichts gehört. Kann dir Duty free Atrikel un Passagiere schicken. Bitte send mir in den Nächsten Tage gefüllte Pralinen und Enteisungsmittel im Wechsel.
    Danke Rainer
    Hallo uschu wollte nur mal fragen ob Duty free Artikel noch aktuell sind. Gib einfach Nachricht , wenn es was anderes sein soll.

    Hallo uschu soll es immer noch Duty free Artikel sein, oder auch mal was anderes?

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