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AirportCityGame.com is the Number One place to be when it comes to the hit game Airport City!

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Helen Elizabeth
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  • HH forgot to mention - this morning I achueved 9 Hearts ! But I'mnot having much luck getting the items from the P2 launches. Bill
    HH what's not to like about you???? Oh just one possible thing! You are on the wrong side of the Pond! LOL just kidding hope u can take a joke?.?
    Ha, ha Bill, we had 3 days sunshine, now its getting cold!! Off tomorrow to water ski judging conference I am a National Judge!!
    HH 4PM BST - R U ready for a Sunny weekend ? LOL It's presently 67 degres here in New Jersey going to 70 - and sunny LOL LOL LOL
    I am lucky in that I have great neighbours so don't have my launches hijacked. I'm in a group where we slo mo, it works most times!
    19 hours to go, I have added 742 points, Colin Chew added 586, so total 1328, using up solid fuel, etc Are you a friend of Colin??
    I can only write a few sentences at a time!! Yeh, would be good to meet up in virtual space, ha ha
    I think we are in virtual space right now.
    Hi Bill Ha, ha, am impressed that you have done a Prometheus launch!! I am too mean to spend the greenies so am flying to for the S C
    HH have you done a Prometheus launch yet ??? I'm ready and I just PM's LAX to see if he's ready. I'm proposing that he launch and you and I join! Bill PS I just want to FLY with you! LOL LOL LOL l
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