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Android Lost days of progress


150+ Star Club
  1. Android
Friend Code
Well if everything else going on wasn't enough I just opened my game, found i'm back down to 74, all my event progress is gone (i did get a screenshot) and lost everything gifted and done in the last, looks like several days.

No reason.


150+ Star Club
  1. Android
Friend Code
Well if everything else going on wasn't enough I just opened my game, found i'm back down to 74, all my event progress is gone (i did get a screenshot) and lost everything gifted and done in the last, looks like several days.

No reason.
Aw man! That's the pits. Did you open a ticket or are you just going to play it back up? Do you need more explosive detectors again?


150+ Star Club
  1. Android
Friend Code
Oh I opened a ticket!!:arghh:

I tried to log out, log back in, same issue. So I sent G! an In-game support ticket and opened one right on their website going over the issue and sending them that screenshot of me completing the event that I took this morning. Then I just turned it off and stepped away. This game lately...Sometimes the thing to do is just walk away. I need to see what G! says. Hopefully soon!

The Fuel, The Greens, The Coins, The Building Progress, The Gifts, The Stars, Loosing about 300,000xp, The Launches, oh the launches...:arghh:


150+ Star Club
  1. Android
Friend Code
Oh I opened a ticket!!:arghh:

I tried to log out, log back in, same issue. So I sent G! an In-game support ticket and opened one right on their website going over the issue and sending them that screenshot of me completing the event that I took this morning. Then I just turned it off and stepped away. This game lately...Sometimes the thing to do is just walk away. I need to see what G! says. Hopefully soon!

The Fuel, The Greens, The Coins, The Building Progress, The Gifts, The Stars, Loosing about 300,000xp, The Launches, oh the launches...:arghh:

Sorry man - it has definitely been a tough week!
  1. Windows PC
And if GI restore you you get the new limit... starting to wonder if this is a deliberate move :mad:
Does this new way of sending ticket on android work,it says request sent but there is no confirmation email like the old way.Sent another ticket today hope I get a response this time.
My LY2 game got set back to before the last event AGAIN this morning :cry:. This is already the second time :banghead:, it was set back 4 days after getting into the event the first time, and I didn't open ticket at that time and just played the event again. Now it went back to before the event again and the event is closed. I think I need to send a ticket in now. I think there were several others had this problem too.
  1. Android
Friend Code
My LY2 game got set back to before the last event AGAIN this morning :cry:. This is already the second time :banghead:, it was set back 4 days after getting into the event the first time, and I didn't open ticket at that time and just played the event again. Now it went back to before the event again and the event is closed. I think I need to send a ticket in now. I think there were several others had this problem too.
You better send one.. thats not normal anymore...
  1. Windows PC
Ticket opened, will report what response I get.
Likewise exactly same thing happened to me sent another ticket using windows instead of the support in android.got a reply from mary she needs more info don't hold out much hope of getting my progress back.waiting for response.


150+ Star Club
  1. Android
Friend Code
I suppose I should update my own thread.

This was the first time I ever noticed something this dramatic but it was not the first time this happened to someone. A lot of high level players have informed me this just happens. It's unfortunate, sometimes with a ticket they will fix it and sometimes they wont.

I was properly mad for about 36 hours during which time I just stepped away. I then came back and decided I'd rather just redo the event and frankly replay the week or whatever it was that I lost, than risk having the limit thrown on me. That's really what it came down to in my mind. After all this time I feel as though I am finally getting good at this game, I finally understand how QL's work, and having a limit thrown on me at this point would just be cruel. And doing it to myself would just be stupid.

The day after I started playing again I sent G! Another messaging saying I don't want my game restored to which the replied right away and was fine with that as well. So I just went on.
  1. Windows PC
Ticket opened, will report what response I get.
This is mine expected nothing else really usual fobbed off reply.


  • 2017-06-10 (2).png
    2017-06-10 (2).png
    37.1 KB · Views: 107
  1. Android
just want to share some hints to ensure your progress might be saved ::

every time after your important actions or progress, visit a friend, collect coins/fuels x5 and then come back,
you will probably get your progress saved, don;t ask why,
because game insight programmers are far not able to solve this problem for years and we do not expect they have enough intelligence to solve it,

do it by yourself would be much better. there is no relationship with such "stable" or "instable" network/wifi connections,
i just lost my "Area51" activity progress by just visiting a friend and come back. Lost progress twice,
the second task changes back to 1/4 from 2/4 for two times, while my coins/exp are correct.

GI developers are too weak to solve the basic saving issue


600+ Star Club
  1. Android
Javi+ items needed
Back to monday state.
The same just happen to me.
I lost the week progress. so many flight to kathmandu for nothing :mad:. And yesterday after my hundredth flight I got finally a fork and it is gone:cry:.
  1. Android
Friend Code
Back to monday state.
The same just happen to me.
I lost the week progress. so many flight to kathmandu for nothing :mad:. And yesterday after my hundredth flight I got finally a fork and it is gone:cry:.
that sucks hard man... i just hope for you that you will not get the 100 limit if they can restore it up to date


600+ Star Club
  1. Android
Javi+ items needed
no, I won't open a ticket for a single dinning fork. And with this miserable drop rate 1:100, it makes the tour Eifel nearly impossible.
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