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3/28 2 spots available for top 50 alliance

B17 Flying Fortress

1000+ Star Club
  1. Android
As of 3/28/16 we still have 2 possible spots until we level up soon. My alliance achieves top 50 almost every week. Sometimes top 100 if there's a quest. We are content with getting 2 maps a week. I'm looking for a couple new members to contribute to the top 50 ranking. If we score that or better, good. No one is perfect and we all have more important things to do than this game. So there are no free rides. Looking for high level, high producing members. Post your code if your willing to contribute around 50,000-100,000 passengers or more a week. Thanks
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B17 Flying Fortress

1000+ Star Club
  1. Android
Bali Hi has a longtime neighbour B17 (long time means more than 4 years).
Are you that person?

Hello Bali Hi, yes that's me. I finally decided to join the forum. I've been playing since the beginning. Thanks for all the gifts, you are a great neighbor. I have an alliance with my in personal friends (dwh's) and we are seeking a couple more loyal players to ease the top 50 goal. We are in it for the long haul!

Neil ellor

1300+ Star Club
  1. Android
  2. iPad
Friend Code
Captain tneil, 044gapqe
Captain tneil, Captain Ne2
Hello Bali Hi, yes that's me. I finally decided to join the forum. I've been playing since the beginning. Thanks for all the gifts, you are a great neighbor. I have an alliance with my in personal friends (dwh's) and we are seeking a couple more loyal players to ease the top 50 goal. We are in it for the long haul!
Now you have joined the forum write an updated signature, it does help greatly with gifting and you can help needy neighbours too
Welcome on board:);):D(y)


150+ Star Club
  1. Android
Friend Code
Wer as81h4h
Thanks for the reminder. Done

Do you still need an active alliancemember? This week in two days i reached around 30 000 passengers, so i can reach 50 000 minimum in a week.

Friend code is as81h4h username is Wer as81h4h


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Loverboy Smith

150+ Star Club
  1. Android
Friend Code
Loverboy Smith
As of 3/15/16 we still have 2 possible spots. My alliance achieves top 50 almost every week. Sometimes top 100 if there's a quest. We are content with getting 2 maps a week. I'm looking for a couple new members to contribute to the top 50 ranking. If we score that or better, good. No one is perfect and we all have more important things to do than this game. So there are no free rides. Looking for high level, high producing members. Post your code if your willing to contribute around 50,000-100,000 passengers or more a week. Thanks
If ya still got a spot open , I flew over 63,000 last week . I shouldn't have any problem filling your quota of over 50,000 . Won't be in the least offended if I'm dumped for a more productive player . My current Alliance fell apart . Thanks for your consideration . LB
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