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Windows - Weekly Trading Thread - February 29th 2016

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@andreasmrg, @cats are awesome, @crescent moon, @david smith, @gorrion, @Husam, @ItsRalphy, @Radu81, @wkndcmpr, @wydaho
Hello everyone, thanks for the gifts today. Mine have all been sent to you. Hope you all receive them OK.
Almost a week in the forum and I think I'm getting the hang of it - ish :) Making life in the game even more fun!
Happy landlings one and all - almost the weekend now! woop, woop!
Most welcome by the way tomorrow i will send you Ergonomic Chair.
Thanks for all the received gifts, got a lot of them. Send mine also and the others are for tomorrow.

@ItsRalphy : send you an aerosol.

Still need to beat 36 black wraiths so please send me aerosol.
Drop rate of the ghost planes was very, very poor so still need to collect soul nets to beat those black wraiths, luckely there are still some days left.
Also need a peace of wood for the collection of the seal.
Didn't get much further than yesterday.

Congrats to all who completed the event at this moment and good luck for those who are still trying to make it.
. . . . . . . . and you are my HERO - this is the aerosol that completes my quest. Good luck to everyone else still trying to complete, 6 day left, keep after it.
Not sure who asked, but here is a picture of the building you get for the event. Increases population by 50, 60 coins every 4 hours, and increases coins by 5% for all buildings in a 2 square radius. hope you all manage to complete. I have retained my event buildings for visitors, and am just working out where to put the new building to maximise the 5%, and so it looks right!
House of dark shadows.png
  1. Windows PC
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Aero Aereola
Thanks to everyone for the gifts, especially the Landing Lamps. Mine are out for the night. @andreasmrg , Bear, @Davejoyg I have you at top of list for tomorrow's deliveries. I've switched back to Pearl Earrings and duty free stuff for now as I'm still upgrading buildings around town and haven't had the time to pursue the event stuff as much as I should.

I have neighbors generically called "Christine", "Josephine" and "Mathias" who religiously send me gifts, are any of them forum members by chance? Unfortunately they tend to get the short shift from me since I try to prioritize forum folks. I seem to get around 25 gifts per day give or take and feel bad when I can't cross off a few tick marks on my tracking sheet each night.
Not sure who asked, but here is a picture of the building you get for the event. Increases population by 50, 60 coins every 4 hours, and increases coins by 5% for all buildings in a 2 square radius. hope you all manage to complete. I have retained my event buildings for visitors, and am just working out where to put the new building to maximise the 5%, and so it looks right!
View attachment 2970
You are hero (y) i am just make fly to get more stars with the first event for me just need fuel supply no need aerosol :cry: the flyer here more more more experience than me.

Captain WH Rollins

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  1. Windows PC
Captain WH Rollins
Have just sent my 20 gift items to my neighbours this morning, Friday 4th March. My plunder brought in 23,200 coins and 15 launch ready blue chests. Many thanks for all of the gifts received.


Captain WH Rollins


150+ Star Club
  1. Windows PC
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see signature
Hello everyone! Thanks for all the gifts!

I have finished the event on WHN main account !!

But I need 33 more Aerosols on WHN2 account. If you could send WHN2 account Aerosol, please do so.... (This is a priority over any existing gift arrangement and a priority over WHN account..)


150+ Star Club
  1. Windows PC
Friend Code
Hello friends. I have sent today's gifts. Thank you for all the gifts I received.
State of affair: 2 Halloween shop, 1 cemetery, 1 aerosols to go!!! :singing::singing::singing:


150+ Star Club
  1. Windows PC
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Wknd- item needed
gifts are out for today
thanks for gifts received
Event complete but not closed.
I have Halloween shops and cemeteries on both accounts to visit


350+ Star Club
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Joe7 (what I need)
Hi All,
Thanks for those send me today gifts if someone still can send or trade with me i need 2 Travel Guide for construct Travel Agency be thankful.
I can send Travel Guide from my second account. Do you prefer it instead Fuel20?
To all:
I am changing my gifting pattern for the remainder of the event. I will be giving Aerosol to those people who have it in their name everyday. Hopefully this way they can finish, I have 23 more wraiths to get and my drop rate from planes is just not happening.

If you need aerosol and don't have it in your name, ask me. :)

Hi @cats are awesome ,

I will send you a daily Aerosol until you finish the event. There I still plenty of time. 23 wraiths divided by 5 days equals 5 a day. Not so bad.

Please do not send me Aerosol as I have completed the event. In fact, please don't send me anything. Just concentrate on Wraiths !

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